Sunday, March 8, 2009

An invitation is extended to guests to elude personal musings and cut to the chase of the poetry that is presented on this blog, beginning with WE ARE SPOKEN OF AS MYSTICAL, in lieu of wandering through ancillary explanations that may elucidate and/ or confuse the mind, the verse. There are some annotations that may assist the reader, saving time in deciphering particular meanings, or you may prefer an intuitive approach. 

Your presence on this website is a blessing as it offers a ridgepole to which the beams are attached. All are welcome.

Pray peace to your soul!

Please refrain from disgust for any errors that may appear in my writing, as stated now several times on this website, there is a  demonic energy, in or out of body, that continues to attack my writing to discredit the Holy Spirit that works through me. This is however impossible, as all they are capable of effecting is heaping coals of fire upon their own heads in God's timing. Corrections are made as time and resources are available.

March 3, 2012


February 28, 2012

Does a person need to be in alignment with their teaching, writing, ministry, service,  to others to be geuninely effective? If we take the examples of those historially who were closest to Jesus Christ, his disciples, we have to agree in the affirmative this is so at least in a protracted state of existence. We know from early church history that the disciples, at least most of them, wavered from perfection, until after Christ was crucified and resurrected. The only disciple present at the crucifixon was St. John the Beloved. Where were the others? Many accounts have been fictionalized regarding there whereabouts:  human nature dictates there were likely as many as 10 variables for the 10 who were not present, as Judas Iscariot immediately encountered death after his betrayal of Christ, either by his own hands and/or by divine providence. History also reveals that the remaining apostles each in their own inimical manner were tortured, suffered and died, for strictly adhering to the teachings of Jesus Christ, with the exception of St. John the Beloved, who lived to an advanced age, somewhere near 100 years old, and died a natural death.  Roman authorities attempted to boil St. John alive in oil, which failed, as the Lord intervened to protect him, after he was submerged into a cauldron of boiling oil. He was afterwards banished to the Isle of Patmos, where he is accredited with dictating and/or writing his last work, the Book of Revelations.

How are we as present day disciples to apply these examples to our own lives, living in a world that is corrupted by perditious philosophies, infamous cultures, satanic socities, lewd mass media, unholy religious institutions, fractured legislative, judicial, executive governmental systems, atheistic academic organizations, etc? With highly motivated intentions to achieving perfect alignment with God's holy laws, in assistance with the Holy Spirit as our guide, directing us each day to a perfected state of excellence, over time.  Did the disciples all transform instantly at Jesus Christ's resurrection, after receiving the Holy Spirit? Perhaps, yet unlikely, at least if the story of St. Peter leaving Rome under the persecution of the Emperor Nero, only to be greeted by Christ as he was leaving the city, who admonished him to return, which Peter did, to suffer crucifixon.

From spiritual innocence to spiritual maturity is a long spiritual journey for those who live to an advanced age, as most do. To achieve spiritual maturity over time requires a great deal of continued spiritual innocence, or renewed innocence for those who are great sinners. This may be accomplished only through strong devotion to prayer, abstinence from habital patterns that excite the lust, an inner focus of self compassion and an outer focus of compassion for others, the use of money only as a necessary commodity to meet one's needs in the material world, faith and obedience to God's commandments, especially number one, which is to love God with your heart, mind, and soul, as the remaining will be kept if this is followed with obedience to God's will.

Sin remains a part of the curse we are subjected to in the world, due to the sins of our original parents, Adam and Eve, and will remain so, until Christ comes again. Forgiveness is a vital key to redemption: forgiveness of self and others. It must be practiced continually, and penance must be offered in genuine contrition so that the soul learns to love God absolutely, which will include unconditonal love for oneself and for others. I believe this from the very depth of my soul, or I could not live in the material world, as life without complete devotion to God is death. Amen! Pray peace to your soul. Lord hear my prayer! Christ hear my prayer!

February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday - a day of remembering "from dust we come, and to dust we shall return!" It puts it all into perspective, for the serious minded Christian. The Lenten season is an opportunity for Christians . .  Protestant and Catholics . . to unite in universal application of Jesus Christ's message of unconditional love . . . that God the Father, maker of Heaven and Earth, is love, and that through his Son the Lord Jesus Christ, God offered to the world the ultimate gift that may be bestowed on humanity: a chance to lift beyond the lusts of the human body, which will return to dust at death, to an ineffable glory that regins even now throughout the world for the faithful and obedient.

Each new generation, new century, new millenium, attempts to reshape this eternal message into a new paradigm, a literary masterpiece, a mystical marvel, a religious fervor, a state of the art success, etc: protracted words heard by those who devote their entire lives serving, seeking, attempting to understand what this message means in practical, contemporary, spiritual terminology. If only the division of human personalities might unite in a universal practice of God's clear instruction, unwavering message of charity, love, and devotion, to him, and to his created mankind. Then the fortunes of the world would cease to perpetrate perdition, institutional religion would forego prevarication, ownership of property, aristocratic dynasties, and all political methodologies would evaporate.  How unncessary all religious rhethoric seems when viewing the world through the eyes of a small child: how unlike children we as adults are, or ever will be again, unless fortunately perhaps at the end of our days. Pray peace to our souls, and love in our hearts! Amen!

February 8, 2012

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi:
miserere nobis

Agnus Dei, qui tollis pecata mundi:
miserere nobis

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi:
dona nobis pacem.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world:
have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world:
have mercy on us

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world:
grant us peace.

(Words extracted from the Latin Mass)

January 10, 2012

Occasionally it comes to mind that all souls are predestined by God, and each individual action is predeterminded, especially when others seem so indifferent to my particular beckoning or will. The pondering last only until an opportunity for a specific choice arises in the moment: suddenly the distinction of free will is clear in my consciousness, even if my choice is to abrogate
choice in lieu of nothingness, uncertainty, unclarity, practicality, spirituality, religion, anxiety, etc. At this point in awareness the option for free will to obediently bow to God's will brilliantly magnifies the Lord. The dilemma is resolved, all temporal actions acquiesce to the Lord's instructions by his Holy commandments, his spoken word. If moral anguish lingers, in the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, to paraphrase,  the soul is disobedient to God, and requires chastisement. Pray peace to your soul!

January 5, 2012

Individuals genuinely interested in Holy Communion, the Eucharist, as the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ,  will find substantive Old Testament scriptural validation for the liturgical rite in Brant Pitre’s book,  Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist.  Dr. Pitre effectively links Jesus’s Last Supper to the Jewish Passover, supplanting the sacrificial lamb offered at the yearly Passover in Jerusalem with bread and wine, which is miraculously transformed into the actual body and blood of our Lord.  Jesus is portrayed as the new exodus, the new manna from heaven, long awaited by ancient tribes of Israel. The book is a contemporary essential in bridging Old Testament theology to 1st Century understanding of Christ’s divine mission.

Notwithstanding, it is important, at least from my experiential perspective, especially in light of Catholic and Protestant recent scandals, to emphasize that the process of transubstantiation is contingent on purity of heart, obedience to vows and Holy Orders,  faithfulness to God’s Holy Commandments, on behalf the priest craft, as fundamental to such supernatural occurrence. It is unlikely that God the Father, the Holy Immortal one of Israel, in the words of the prophet Isaiah, who exacted perfection from the Priesthood of the Levis, is less lenient with modern priests/ministers after the order of Melchizedek.  Moses, the greatest of all Christian Prophets, the only one to talk to God, face to face, was forbidden to enter the promise land for what would appear to modern Christians a minor infraction. Are we to believe God would lessen his standards for those who are severely disobedient and unfaithful.
Likewise, it is as essential for those partaking in the Holy Sacrament, to be in alignment with God's commandments to experience the miraculous majesty of Christ's body and blood present, as he promised he would be. Pray peace to your soul!

December 27, 2011

Today is the celebration of the birth of my patron saint, St. John the Beloved, often referred to as St. John the Divine.  His writing in the books of John and Revelations are mystical keys to understanding esoteric knowledge revealed to the real, mundane, world of flesh and blood. To analyze St. John from a theological or philosophical perspective is to attempt to perceive divine knowledge with universal mind, an impossible feat, analagous to positing "a priori" knowledge as  something that can be understood through the mental facility.  In our modern world there is a constant proliferation of phenomenological abstraction within academic circles, including ecclesiastical, ergo less and less hope of grasping the spiritual majesty St. John offers us in his writing. Mankind must relinquish the Kantian "categorical imperative," to graps the "wings of the wind," to experience the repentant state of King David. It is within a genuine state of repentance that the soul wins favor with God, redemption lives, the white horseman of the Apocolypse triumphs.

December 23, 2011

We are told scripturally that the night Jesus was born angels touched the earth. It is my experience during the month of December exactly the opposite, rather the earth is flooded with lasciviouness, greed, adultery, gluttony, prevaricatioin, love of money, fornication, alcoholism, idolatry, and all manner of evil, as the people of earth in the name of christianity continue to allow the corrupt priestcraft to defile God with lies, broken commandments! The Lord never intended, does not, nor ever will intend that a pagan tradition under the name of Santa Claus  surpass the celebration of the birth of his son. Nor does the Lord intend that gift giving during this false celebration focus on those who make us comfortable, elevate our social/political/economic status, excite our lust, flatter our egos, or any such spiritual deceit. Yes the Lord does forgive a genuinely contrite heart, as in the case of his servants David and Moses for their transgressions against his laws, however there are always consequences even for the contrite, and spiritually fatal results for those who remain unfaithful till death. I am often visited in spirit by departed souls in misery who lived lives of notoriety on earth pleading for mercy, who in their earthly lives failed to demonstrate mercy to their neighbors, those in need.

In spiritual ignorance the majority who call themselves Christians who follow the words, actions, deeds, of false prophets, charlatans, corrupt priests, popes, ministers, deacons, etc.,  who fail to recognize spiritual innocence remain ultimately responsibile for succumbing to the power of lucifer.  An authentic Christian may live amidst the profane, yet their hearts are in allegiance to the one true God, which sets them free, and eventually strengthens them to withdraw from those who live lives of cheap discipleship, as defined by Deitrich Bonhoeffer, even at the price of death. There is a difference for those who sin and enjoy it and those who sin and recoil at the misery of disobedience, the difference is eternal redemption, which is costly discipleship, the cross of obedience, the journey of authentic faith.

St. Paul , or whomever wrote the Epistle of Phillipians, instructs us that a man whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things, are enemies of the cross.  It is in honoring God, his Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, that deceit is conquered, idolatry is broken, adultery is overcome, gluttony/alcoholism/drug addiction is healed, fornication is transformed into spiritual love, poverty is a wayshower to the kingdom of God, the Sabbath is Holy, the love of mammon is disinfranchised, lies are paralyzed, couvetousness is disillusioned. Faith and obedience are the rewards of the humble who worship God with heart, mind, and soul. 

We are told by the Lord Jesus Christ that one in the kingdom of God is greater than even John the Baptist, his greatest prophet. Those peddling spiritual hierarchy on earth are infamously projecting attention seeking devices to establish personal self esteem, material wealth, worldly power, in lieu of following the example of the Lord's greatest prophet, John the Baptist, who forfeited his life so that one greater than he might increase. How easy it is to write about, talk about, earn proceeds from, pontificate on the teachings of Jesus Christ: how challenging to live the teachings since his crucifixion and resurrection in a world that prefers to cast a shadow of ecclesiastical glamour wrapped in prevarication concerning historical facts, spiritual truths pertaining to the sacrificial Lamb of God. Amen, let us say Amen in unison, those who love God with their heart, mind, and soul.

December 16, 2011

Winter solstice approaching  coupled with religious license in numbering the birth of our Lord in the  12th month contrary to the actual month of May disturbs me, as do all forms of ecclesiastical cannon deception. Only God possesses enough compassion to allow such deceit to profane his holy church for so many centuries, even as he destined the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem for similar infidelity. "Today is the day the Lord hath made," let us pray he will redeem his people from such infamy by the return of his son today! Let us pray we will be ready for his promised justice. Let us pray we will honor his commandment to avoid prevarication! Lord hear my prayer! Christ hear my prayer! 

November 17, 2011

A  new poem has been entered today, at the end of the blog, inspired while reading accounts of my great grandfather, many generations removed, Sir Thomas More's, martydom, by King Henry VIII, for refusal to sign the Statue for the Oath of Supremacy and Matrimony, in conjunction with my daily biblical reading from the 23rd Chapter of Deuteronomy. The poem
is titled "UNHOLY ROOM."

November 8, 2011

There are so many charlatans masquerading as Christians currently, it is severely inhibiting the authentic gospel of Jesus Christ reaching souls on the planet. Such was predicted by the prophets, the apostles, the Lord himself. Notwithstanding, nothing in God's creation can prevent those that are called to be his saints from receiving the logos in it's purest form, even if the soul must be tortured for many years prior to revelation. We must remind ourselves daily that mundane power in the world is an abomination in the eyes of God, and must be relegated to a status grossly inferior to God's power. When there is a conflict, the saint will choose persecution in lieu of succumbing to "rulers of darkness in the world," and "spiritual wickedness in high places," for the coward shall not inherit the kingdom of God!!! Amen!!! Deditrich Bonhoeffer reminds us that the spiritually aligned with Christ will routinely lose in conflict with worldly power, until Jesus Christ comes again. Man cannot serve God and riches, therefore he must relinquish the power of riches to the power of Satan, and the kingdom of God to God. The caveat is remembrance that eternity is a long time.

Theolgy is at best man's imprint on God's word. Reincarnation, purgatory, heaven at death or at the final judgment are thoughts filtered through the minds of those who often live lives of fractured vows. Be cautious, be diligent, be sincere in prayer, alone, in silence, free from the corruption of arrogance, and the tinkling of gold. Sainthood reuires no canonization, instead a direct, simple, obedience to God's commandments, free of legal entanglements that twist the mind as a rope of material bondage. The true saint heals with every word spoken, every action taken, oblivious to self aggrandizement, uncompromised by material achievement, unadorned by flattery, free of jewels of partiality, recognizing eternal splendor in the presence of God, in contrast to trunks of idolatry.

October 28, 2011

When Christ speaks of men defiled by women in the Book of Revelations, as written by the Apostle John, there has been, until the last 8 plus years, an uncertainty as to meaning. Unfortunately, in current time the meaning is all to clear, with 1 out of 3 obese, almost all addicted to prescription medications, and 99.995 focused predominantly on lucre, money, materialism, worldly things!!! Anything predicated after the above statement is a mere footnote. It is senseless to flaunt time with any attempt to debate such, all one needs to do is look around them for the obvious validation. There have been hundreds of thousands of women in my life due to the nature of my work in this life, and for all but a mere handful regarding the above is true in my experience. The Lord does not lie! Amen!!! Nor is this a judgement on my part! Amen!!! Prayers for the return of Jesus Christ are the  only meaningful spiritual endeavor at this time, as he, and he alone, has the power to rectify this reality. Amen!!! May God bless those whom he will bless, and show mercy on all the rest, according to his plan. Amen!!!  

October 23, 2011

My only reasoning in continuing to write is remembrance of the few who have guided me along the path of righteousness in a world otherwise focused solely on control mechanisms for material acquisition, including institutional religion. When a soul is ready for truth, truth is present. Until then, the world and all of its lustful ardour dominates.  The stigma with truth, once youthful innocence is lost, is the race against time, as time is a close companion to disobedience as it lulls the soul into countless distractions, many of which take extensive time for the soul to clear to gain/maintain entrance into the Book of Life. If my writing or anyone's writing, or any endeavor provides impetus, direction, inspiration, light, love, for any soul to embrace the Book of Life, if only one soul, it is worth the pursuit. Lord lead me that only that which is in alignment with your will transpire in my life, even as it appears an unsurmountable request, for with you, and with you only, all things are possible.

September 12, 2011

Due to security my facebook account is closing permanently this week. This account will remain open as long as the Holy Spirit guides me to do so. "City of God" treatise will begin soon hopefully, however there are never any guarantees in a world ruled by darkness, with "spiritual wickedness in high places." If you wish to contact me you may do so at, at least for now. For those with Jesus Christ, you know this journey in life is not easy, those who are not, and remain so, enjoy whatever you think is superior, as the end is payback time. Pray peace to whomever is open to receive in Christ's name.

July 9, 2011

To silence the voice of God as spoken through his genuine disciples is to side with destruction of the soul for temporal pleasure, material gain, immediate gratification. The majority favor following a voice that agrees with their actions, perpetrating their comfort zones, failing to examine what is being said from a comprehensive perspective.  God's laws voids man made laws when there is a conflict, and is changeable only by God, never another god, individual, or group, that reports to have exemplary spiritual vision.  To relate God's laws to contemporary social, cultural, racial, environmental, inner and outer ecological standards is to play the role of the traditional Babylonian harlot, to superimpose pleasure and all of its cousins as idols for the people. God's laws never change, only the double binded mind, emotions, imaginations, conscious and unconscious pivots of mankind failing to obey God's directives to his chosen ones. Philosophers, theologians, have debated for milleniums over the exclusion, inclusion of the "chosen ones!" It is really a clear directive from God who they are: the righteous ones who obey God's laws, who keep his commandments, who love him with their hearts, minds, and souls, and love their neighbors as themselves. It is the unrighteous, the unholy, the disobedient, the recalcitrant, who cloud the issue with their disallegiance to God, to his laws, to his commandments, to his will. Pray peace to the souls of the obedient, as the disobedient will remain so until death do them part from the obedient.

June 6, 2011

Please note further delay in my promised response to St. Augustine's "City of God," due to numerous computer piracies which rendered my trusty old machine defunct.  The pen may be mightier than the sword for the powers that be, yet it is a constant struggle to offset the power of the sword, which protects primarily those who yield to the thrust of political obedience, leaving the rest to wrestle with minions of mind that prefer profit to spiritual epistles.  Our Lord inferred the majority would succumb to the status quo, forfeiting eternity for immediate gratification. The church no less than the rest continually rewrites it's own commandments to keep abreast of modern trends. For the faithful, obedient in actions as well as words, those who remember it does matter what we do, as what we say, your faith in God's word, as spoken by his Son, will prevail all the way to the portal into the Holy Kingdom. Keep faith, persecution of the genuinely faithful, as fortold by Christ, is a signature of obedience. Pray peace even in the midst of foul play, a common denominator today! Pray!

May 31, 2011

Take extra time for prayer today, as you return to your usual schedule from a weekend of extreme self indulgence for the most part, with alcohol, food, recreational and prescription drugs, inappropriate sexual activity, glamour, etc. The negative power, known as Lucifer uses such opportunity to set up residence, projecting blame for ill feelings caused by internal organs disrupting from such behavior onto those closest to you. Those who continue such behavior may think they escape the consequences,  as they are numb by chemicals that excites the dopamine pleasure pathway, however in the end all must pay the piper.  Those who placate themselves and others with lies, deceit, cool behavior, are no different than the rest, as in the final analysis the prevaricator loses as does all who deceive themselves and others. Pray peace to your soul! Pray!

May 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Jesus, as May is communicated to be the birth month of our Lord, by the early Christian community, as evidenced by the writing of St. Augustine in the "City of God."


May 14, 2011

St. Augustine stated, in the "City of God," that the early church members believed Jesus Christ to be born in May. This dispels the new age astrological belief that Jesus was a Capricorn. The exact time of month was not provided by St. Augustine, so it is best to leave it at that, as all else is speculation.

We too must rise above our material allegiance to definition, to a higher communication with God, free of worldly bondage, to genuinely experience the magnificence Jesus continues to offer those who love him.

April 23, 2011

Holy Easter to all, albeit it is a month late, historically, as the early Church fathers stated March 25th, the actual date of Jesus Christ's crucifixion. 

Will resume commentary on St. Augustine's "City of God," soon, if circumstances permit. Pray peace to your soul!

March 10, 2011

Illness has a way of bringing an individual back to their center. However if the center is corrupted by materialism, the individual may effect changes that are to their detriment instead of spiritual advancement. 

Beginning reading the "City of God," by St. Augustine, written between 413-427 AD, after many attempts of starting and never completing, it is my awareness that St. Augustine's writing is more influential over the development of Western Christian thought than the Didache, teachings of the original apostles.

Interestingly each time a significant spiritual journey of such is begun the evil forces of perdition, called by many names, and attested to by Carl Jung as Satan, the shadow that haunts the mind of all men, forces pagan dimensions incessantly along the path to hinder progression, resolution! Notwithstanding, the journey in my realm shall continue!

St. Augustine, as depicted in his "Confessions," led a life of debauchery, until his late twenties, at which time he experienced a profound conversion, spoken of as similar to the conversion of St. Paul. The difference of course is almost 400 years in time after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, sufficient time for enormous perversions of the original teachings of Jesus to have entered the practices of even the devout Christians of his day. The church had become entwined with the Roman political state, effecting a bureaucratic dimension into its corporeal body that continues until today to perpetuate the curse as bequeathed to mankind via the fall of Adam and Eve with their subsequent expulsion from the Garden of Eden.

St. Augustine was enormously influenced by his mother, who propelled him towards political ambitions within the state, evidence of insufficient understanding on her behalf of the genuine teachings of the Apostles as communicated to them by the Lord, as is often true of the female gender, unread, untrained, unqualified to present accurate exegesis of the Holy Scriptures, and are in fact, forbidden to present such by Old and New Testament canon law, as handed down by the patriarchs, the prophets, the apostles, and some of the early saints. It is unlikely St. Augustine realized the detrimental effects her influence would impose on humanity for future generations, as he was still recovering from unholy sexual addictions, and attending influences such behavior have on individuals for their remaining life. This is in no manner to disqualify the spiritual value he imparted through much of his writing, yet important to acknowledge to exorcise the negative effects of his personal life that has influenced institutional Christianity throughout the past almost 1600 years. In essence St. Augustine, as all of humanity, was subjected to the evil influences of Satan, demonic beings, as an infallible human being, who  spent his life after conversion in retraction from previous spiritual insurgence. As such, it is spiritually unwise to adore his religiously creative edification, rather use his texts as a way shower to potential spiritual freedom. 

As early as Book I, Chapter 21, "All homicide is not murder," out of a collection of XXII Books, St. Augustine contradicts the teachings of the Didache, by stating:

There are however certain exceptions to the law against killing, made by the authority of God himself. There are some whose killing God orders, either by law, or by an express command to a particular person at a particular time. In fact one who owes a duty of obedience to the giver of the command does not himself 'kill' - he is an instrument, a sword in its user's hand. For this reason the commandment forbidding killing was not broken by those who have waged wars on the authority of God, or those who have imposed the death-penalty on criminals when representing the authority of the State in accordance with the laws of the State, the justest and most reasonable source of power. 

The remaining context of the chapter is omitted, as St. Augustine uses Old Testament examples to contradict New Testament teachings and examples of Jesus Christ, as some of the writings of St. Paul are used to justify obedience to the State, in matters that contradict the Lord's teachings and example, not to kill. Clearly Jesus chastised Peter for retailiating to the soldiers in the Garden of Gethsemane the night of his betrayal. Clearly Jesus's life is void of any justification or personal acts of fatal violence or killing. It is important to note controversial writings of St. Paul, which St. Augustine obviously infers affinity, that are in question as to authenticity, chronology, syntax.

The church thwarts power to discredit spiritual exegesis that diminish temporal power of the church, Catholic and Protestant alike! Private ownership of property has become a formidable right within all Christian communities, contrary to the communal ownership of property of the original followers of the teachings of Jesus. Simply stated, the church has placed ownership of property ahead of the Lord's instructions to distribute wealth according to need. Ergo, the need for standing armies to defend the rights of private ownership of property, and personal property. There is no scriptural or spirital validity for this maleficence.

Please understand St. Augustine's "City of God" is almost 1100 pages of assiduous thought, requiring much concentration, focus to complete. There are significant matters which need to be addressed in a 21st Century aftermath, matters which have wielded a direct impact on the development of the Christian Church during the past millennium plus 583 years. Matters including the Church as a political entity, failure to honor God's commandment regarding killing, equal presence of saints and sinners within the Church congregation, demons within the world, qualifications of priests, ministers, deacons, etc., as Eucharistic ministers (offering the sacrament), conditions of man's body as an implication of the soul - especially regarding influences towards intense perdition as gluttony, pedophilia, adultery, prostitution, etc., possession of material goods, magic, sorcery, divination, theurgy, spiritual illusion, Platonism (Neo-Platonism), Origen, Donatism (purity of a gathered community pertaining to the "economy of salvation"), theory of exegesis, Antropormorhic idealism, arrogance, politics of religion, Satan's position in the world. Spiritual commentary/exegesis offered pertaining to theses topics is of course imperfect, as are all of man's actions, only God is perfect. However, it is important to keep the faith, to honor the teachings of Jesus Christ, as best as understood within the limits of knowledge, experience, faith, obedience to God's Holy commandments, the teachings as handed down by the Apostles.

Demonic forces in the world effect delay in response to these topics, as usual, as stated above, for reasons which are best left unqualified. My response pertaining to the "City of God," is of no material value to me, in fact the exact opposite, as it attracts extreme negativity to me from sources that prefer to live life from mental precepts, a form of mental sadism, that relegates the soul to the authority of the mind. My personal journey in this life, which continues daily, has led me through the majority illusions in the world concerning temporal power as bequeathed by religious, political provarication. If there is anything for me to say, it is because God, the Holy Immortal One of Israel as spoken of by the Prophet Isaiah, one of the few genuine faithful, is guiding, instructing me to do, as there is certainly no earthly position of power or material gain to obtain from this endeavor. Historically we know that Isaiah was sawed in half for remaining true to God's instructions, and so it seems for all who do so, especially in the year 2011 AD!

For those operating under the illusion that anything is more important in this world than obedience to God's will, loving God foremost, and loving those within one's frame of reference as yourself, my continued writing on the subject of the "City of God," will be of little interest to you, unless you are open to examining the fallacy in your life's direction, as it ultimately leads to extirpation. 

It will be sometime in the near future ideally that an examination of key points in the "City of God," will  continue, depending on providence, as current circumstances fail to provide an adequate environment for such an endeavor. 

There is much of what St. Augustine relates which appeals to my spiritual nature, and a significant amount which does not, even to the point of repulsion. St. Augustine demonstrates inconsistencies in thought in reference to certain topics, verging on religious liberalism that seduces the mind in lieu of honoring God's prophetic direction for humanity, an indication that for him rational thought may have superseded faith, even though he attests to the importance of faith in certain segments of his writing. Then there is a question of possible substance abuse, regarding wine, continued sexual infidelity, political patronage, etc., which potentially surfaces in an seemingly unholy allegiance to the state ("City of Man"), as appeared in some of the later writings attributed to St. Paul, which are still disputed as to authenticity. However, for St. Augustine, the digression is with greater prominence, with eventual success in the direction the Christian Church has taken since his writing. Reasons for concern on my behalf regarding these matters will be clarified in my writing concerning the "City of God." 

References will be made to important thoughts from classical thinkers which influenced St. Augustine, only to the degree necessary, with attending bibliographical notes. In my humble opinion St. Augustine wavered to much in the direction of classical philosophical pre-Christian thinking, which was a powerful force in his religious academic circle.

My intention in writing this exposition is in no manner to intimidate any being, rather as a vehicle for elaborating religious influences which have held an unholy sway over the development of the Christian Church since the institutionalization of Christianity, 325 AD.

February 26, 2011


1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?

2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.

10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.

11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.

12 Therefore  will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the the transgressors: and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

It is difficult to do justice to commentary, homily, sermon, seminar, or other religious/spiritual written or spoken word pertaining to this most magnificent chapter of Isaiah, as it contains within it the seed for all redemption, the observance of God's Son for God's will, the suffering of adverse pain and conflict for the failures of mankind to honor God's instructions. All eastern/western religious/spiritual Christian thought is as an annotation to such omnipotent power. Each time in previous decades this chapter has been read or heard read, my soul leaps within my consciousness to the feet of God, in thanksgiving for his Word, his Son, his Holy Spirit, his Majesty! Pray peace to your soul!

February 24, 2011

It is extremely important in the spiritual journey in life to separate God's laws from man made laws, as man made laws relegate the soul to an inferior position of universal mind, corrupting the soul by justification of sin with philosophical relativism. Such thinking destroys the universal unalterable commandments of God (Ten commandments, Jesus's spoken primary commandments of loving God with one's heart mind and soul, and loving one's neighbor as oneself, and other Old Testament laws that Jesus Christ stated would be in effect until his return), instead emphasizing that good and evil is circumstantial, contingent on each individual action, as well as justifying sin in cultural differences that operate outside God's laws. Carbon theory is a powerful theoretical tool that is used by such relativistic thinking to weaken, destroy, God's omnipotence. It is however only a theory and as such is infallible, impossible to categorically validate, whereas God's prophecies have all come true. We are now waiting for the return of God's Son, Jesus Christ, to end the curse placed upon mankind when Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. It will happen, and at such time the fate of all humanity will be determined. Be cautious where you place your allegiance, as such allegiance determines your place in eternity. Pray peace to your soul!

February 16, 2011

Living in today's society necessitates dealing constantly with cross gender sexual behavior in and out of marriage, as marriage as a sacrament has become an ideal whose time has come to an end for the majority. It often crosses my mind if same sex individuals genuinely love each other, remain sexually faithful, and place God primary in their life, if they can achieve eternal redemption. Adultery is not allowed in God's kingdom, nor fornication. Christ never spoke directly of same sex love, although it was condemned in the Old and New Testament, at least as a form of lascivious behavior tending towards idolatry, covetousness. I have never met a couple who met the above criteria of genuine love for each other and for God, which is not to say it does not exist.

Divorce rate in the US is over 50%, as is the number of children born out of wedlock. How lax we have become in keeping God's commandments. Truly the majority are not with him. Forgiveness is available, yet apparently rarely sought in such incidences. Where does society go from here? It worries me, as love is the greatest gift we have been given as human beings, and the least respected.

February 4, 2011

Dietrich Bonhoeffer's comments on wealth, in "The Cost Of Discipleship," elicits commentary on my part, as guided by the Holy Spirit." First let me preference my comments by stating, my experience of Bonhoeffer's life and work is deeply moving spiritually, a great soul to be appreciated for the contribution he continues to make as a disciple of Christ. There are several segments in "The Cost of Discipleship," where he looses me, yet overall the work is outstanding, in my humble opinion. In Chapter 5, Bonhoeffer relates, to paraphrase, that direct relationships forfeit Christ, without Christ as the mediator. Consequently, as a follower of Jesus Christ, which no human is qualified to abrogate: abrogation may only transpire with Jesus Christ as my mediator, as my opinion comes from a direct relationship with Jesus Christ. Therefore my opinion is as a follower of Christ: no man's opinion supersedes Jesus Christ's direct instruction to his disciples. Sin naturally enters into the equation for all of his followers, as the curse remains with us until the parousia, as such with me as with all his disciples. Pray peace to my writing!

In Chapter 3, "Single-Minded Obedience," Bonhoeffer prefers "single-minded obedience," "literal obedience," to the will of God. As such he offers multiple antithetical sophistries to negate "literal," "single-minded obedience," casting a pale light on justifications that have continued to present theological error for the past two millenniums. Regarding wealth one such sophistry, or justification of sin follows: "Of course we are meant to take the call of Jesus with 'absolute seriousness,'  but after all the true way of obedience would be to continue all the more in our present occupations, to stay with our families, and serve him there in a spirit on true inward detachment."

Earlier in the chapter Bonhoeffer relates another relativistic sophistry: "Jesus may have said: 'Sell thy goods,' but he meant do not let it be a matter of consequence to you that you have outward prosperity; rather keep your goods quietly, having them as if you had them not. Let not not your heart be in your goods." Bonhoeffer continues by saying, " We are not excusing ourselves from single-minded obedience to the word of Jesus on the pretext of legalism and a supposed preference for an obedience 'in faith.' The difference between ourselves and the rich young man is that he was not allowed to solace his regrets by saying: 'Never mind what Jesus says, I can still hold on to my riches, but in a spirit of inner detachment. Despite my inadequacy I can take comfort in the thought that God has forgiven me my sins and can have fellowship with Christ in faith.' But no, he went away sorrowful. Because he would not obey, he could not believe."

Bonhoeffer continues: "Are we to treat the commandment of Jesus differently from other orders and exchange single-minded obedience for downright disobedience? How could that be possible!"

"It is possible because there is an element of truth underlying all this sophistry. When Jesus calls the young man to enter into the situation where faith is possible, he does it only with the aim of making the man have faith in him, that is to say, he calls him into fellowship with himself. In the last resort what matters is not what the man does, but only his faith in Jesus as the Son of God and mediator. At all events poverty, or riches, marriage, celibacy, a profession or the lack of it, have in the last resort nothing to do with it - everything depends on faith alone. So far then we are quite right; it is possible to have wealth and the possession of this world's goods and to believe in Christ. - so that a man may have these goods as one who has them not. But this is an ultimate possibility of the Christian life, only within our capacity in so far as we await with earnest expectation the immediate return of Christ. It is by no means the first and simplest possibility. The paradoxical understanding of the commandments has it Christian justification, but it must never lead to the abandoning of the single-minded understanding of the commandments. This is only possible and right for somebody who has already at some point or other in his life put into action his single-minded understanding, somebody who thus lives with Christ as his disciple and in anticipation of the end. This infinitely more difficult, and humanly speaking, 'impossible impossibility,' to interpret the call of Jesus in this paradoxical way. And it is just this paradoxical element which exposes his call to the constant danger of being transformed into its very opposite, and used as an excuse for shirking the necessity of concrete obedience. Any body who does not feel that he would be much happier were he only permitted to understand and obey the commandments of Jesus in a straightforward literal way, and e.g. surrender all his possessions at his biding rather than cling to them, has no right to this paradoxical interpretation of Jesus' word. We have to hold the two together in mind all the time."

In my humble opinion, as a follower of Jesus Christ, the above declination is weak, and in no manner demonstrates single-minded obedience, rather double-minded justification. I'm not sure that Bonhoeffer actually wrote it, as the syntax is not as clear as in his majority writing. Only God can accomplish the impossible, not man's mind! The paradox is in the mind of man. Bonhoeffer fell prey to his own caveat. He was required to give it all up at an early age, in an apparent self prophesying martyrdom, nevertheless his paradoxical justification and its implications for society are unnerving. He reverts to his previous belief at the end of the paragraph by stating; "The only way of overcoming this legalism is by real obedience to Christ when he calls us to follow him; for in Jesus the law is at once fulfilled and canceled." Bonhoeffer, although limiting his paradoxical interpretation to a few, nevertheless fails to establish empirical criteria as how to recognize, resolve such a paradox other than subjective reasoning on behalf an individual. God's laws are simple to understand difficult to adhere too for those who prefer wealth to placing God primary in their lives, loving their neighbors as themselves. Subjective reasoning is a continuation of the curse of Adam, failure to honor the Lord at his word, instead interjecting religious/spiritual liberalism/conservatism in its place. Even the spiritually best in our midst globally who genuinely search, study, obey God's word are constantly bombarded by the curse, pulled in multiple directions into regions of mental infidelity contrary to single-minded obedience. None are immune to disobedience, all are called to obedience. Comfort and pleasure temporarily afforded by great wealth, power, pleasure, comfort, sensuality, pales weak at the light of dawn when another day is required to pass time between choosing God's gift of eternity and mankind's feeble surge at creative insignificance.

At the end of the chapter he relates: "By eliminating simple obedience, we drift into an unevangelical interpretation of the Bible. We take it for granted as we open the Bible that we have a key to its interpretation. But then the key we use would not be the living Christ, who is both Judge and Savior, and our use of this key no longer depends on the will of the living Holy Spirit alone. The key we use is a general doctrine of grace which we can apply as we will. The problem of discipleship then becomes a problem of exegesis as well. If our exegesis is truly evangelical, we shall realize that we cannot identify ourselves altogether with those who Jesus called, for they themselves are part and parcel of the Word of God in the Scriptures, and therefore part of the message. We hear in the sermon not only the answer which Jesus gave to the young man's question, which would also be our question, but both question and answer are, as the Word of the Scriptures, contents of the message. It would be a false exegesis if we tried to behave in our discipleship as though we were the immediate contemporaries of the men who Jesus called, but the Christ whom the Scriptures proclaim is in every word he utters one who grants faith to those only who obey him. It is neither possible nor right for us to try to get behind the Word of Scriptures to the events as they actually occurred. Rather the whole world of the Scriptures summons us to follow Jesus. We must not do violence to the Scriptures by interpreting them in terms of an abstract principle, even if that principle be a doctrine of grace. Otherwise we shall end up in legalism . . . . We must therefore maintain that the paradoxical interpretation of the commandments of Jesus always includes the literal interpretation, for the very reason that our aim is not to set up a law, but to proclaim Christ."

Bonhoeffer is less than convincing for me in his above claim, as the syllogism is contradictory, rendering the writing unclear, as he has based his opinion on the very substance he refutes, abstract thought as understood and demonstrated in principle, versus faith. Only God with Christ can reveal, or knows who walks with him in genuine discipleship, and to whom is given the knowledge of the kingdom of God in present awareness of what has transpired in previous times, as applicable to now. Such writing, although likely unintentional, verges on Calvinism, which predisposes wealth as predetermined to certain elect. Maintenance of wealth per paradoxical instrument, in direct contradiction to Jesus Christ's instruction, appears to be Bonhoeffer's "Achilles Heel," or the antithesis perhaps mine. The majority affirms, as for Bonhoeffer, the chosen "Achilles Heel" for all who systematically preserve the world's goods for whatever purpose they deem necessary, while Jesus last words to Peter continues, "Feed my sheep!" There is theological danger in the application of such thinking, as it rightly rejects the literal spoken words of Jesus Christ. Paradox systematically creeps into the minds of men especially pertaining to morality, riches, ethics, sexuality, neighborliness, versus faith and obedience as bestowed by grace. What need has man of wealth, when his neighbor is hungry and destitute, the love of such which is "the root of all evil?" If our behavior as Christians fails to predispose to the behaviors of our Christian fathers, the apostles and saints of the first centuries AD, we sink below the standards they mark for us, falling prey to the mind of materialism as predisposed by those who manage to accumulate, great wealth, great power, great pleasure, great comfort.

To render Bonhoeffer genuine respect for his writing, it is best to study the entirety of what he says. His life is a magnificent depiction of a direct relationship with Jesus Christ as mediator. Best attempts are offered to preserve his writing in true context. Pray peace to our souls!

February 2, 2011

For those who offered prayers which were requested by me, on November 30, 2010, for a friend, so as to assist her with natural healing for metastasized cancer, if released from the hospital, she made her transition into spirit. Thank you for your prayers. Pray peace to her soul.

January 29, 2011

Isaiah, Chapter II

1 The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.

2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

3 And many people shall go and say, come ye, and let us go up the mountain of the Lord, to the house of God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go for the the law, and the world of the Lord from Jerusalem.

4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

5 O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.

6 Therefore thou hast forsaken they people the house of Jacob, because they be replinished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers.

7 Their land also is full of silver and gold, neither is their any end of their treasures; their land is also full of horses, neither is their any end of their chariots:

8 Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made:

9 And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not.

10 Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty.

11 The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day.

12 For the day of the Lord shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low:

13 And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan,

14 And upon all the high mountains, and upon all the hills that are lifted up,

15 And upon every high tower, and upon every fenced wall,

16 And upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasant pictures.

17 And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day.

18 And the idols he shall utterly abolish.

19 And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.

20 In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats;

21 To go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake teribly the earth.

22 Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?

Isaiah and Elijah speak to my soul, men that resonate with obedience for God throughout the centuries, until the present moment in time.  How marvelous to be reminded of the importance of placing God primary in our lives, especially during times when the brilliance of mankind's distractions competes continually with the daily choice of keeping God's commandments, loving him foremost, foregoing adultery, avoiding idolatrous practices so abundant in social, religious, commercial, judicial, academic, sports, financial, medical, entertainment, etc., enterprises, accumulating wealth for pleasure, status, comfort, power, at the expense of loving our neighbors, surfeit culinary indulgences, sexual infidelity, prevarications, misappropriations, religious, social, psychological, relativism, flawed scientific theoretical projections, dishonored Sabbaths. Scripture instructs that fear is the absence of love. Fear of God must necessarily under such interpretation indicate the absence of love for God, for oneself, for others. Certainly, in my experience, it is only in the presence of unconditional, categorical, love for God that fear is completely absent. The litmus test for unequivocal love of God resides not in the mind of mankind, however, in the mind, in the heart of God, as exemplified in the chastened lives of men like Elijah, Isaiah, men categorically worthy of respect for all times, men who speak with a language for all times. Pray peace to your soul!

 January 8, 2011

The Second Epistle of John

9 Whowever trangresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both The Father and the Son.

10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:

11 For he that bideth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

January 5, 2011

Following spiritual direction to post the following information, composing from a local library, an individual shows up in a nearby reference sphere wreaking of tobacco fumes, Satan's direct assault to prevent honesty, better yet, genuine caring, as the person is likely immune, numb, or spiritually dead to truth, or the welfare of others, interested only in their own selfish addictive behaviors, so typical of global affairs today. Perhaps not, I am willing to give them the benefit of doubt! Nevertheless, even as law is the strength of sin, as mandated by national governments worldwide, there are no rights that prevent such a person from invading the boundaries of others with their vile behavioral patterns. Part of my ministry is to continually remind people that man made laws are  often a direct violation of God's laws. Nicotine addiction, as all addictive patterns, blocks the experience of the Holy Spirit, and if continued, will deter the presence of the Holy Spirit, as they contraindicate God's Holy Commandments, as all unnecessary addictive pattern are a form of idolatry. There are no churches, theological concepts, or individuals that can legalize sin, only those who attempt to do so for material gain. A previous smoker for over 21 years the effects/affects of such behavior is well known to me personally. Enough said, my writing will continue as there is something valuable to depart to the interested reader.

Returning to the South to live in 2004, immediately the detrimental effects/affects of pork consumption returned to my consciousness, after living for 14 years in a predominantly pork free environment. The smell alone is enough to cause intense nausea, even after close to 8 years now.
Releasing pork from my diet in 1981, annual respiratory infections ceased, as well as antibiotics. Fine tuning as an athlete was accomplished with greater discomfort in releasing unwanted body fat that prevented excellent physical toning, as well as an increase in spiritual consciousness.

A pig placed in a field of rattlesnakes will kill and consume them all. You cannot kill a pig with strictnine. Swine have hollow rods that run up their back legs, which are continually impacted with their own feces, resulting in protracted infections. Food purveyors administer antibiotics per government FDA regulations, then sell the meat to consumers. Ugh!!!

Raised in an evangelical protestant community, pork consumption was routinely justified per New Testament scripture in the 10th Chapter of Acts, by the writings of St. Paul. It was many years later before understanding the fallacy of such interpretation.  In essence Peter fell into a trance, in the scriptural documentation as follows:


11 And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it has been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth:

12 Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air.

13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.

14  But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean.

15 And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that, call not thou uncommon.

The scripture continues for another 12 verses pertaining to the arrival of Cornelius in Joppa, at the home of Simon the tanner, where Peter was visiting, as follows:

25 And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him.

26 But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up; I myself also am a man.

27 And as he talked with him, he went in, and found many that were come together.

28 And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean.

Ergo, God's directive to Peter was to preach to all nations on earth, regardless of birth. Previous biblical reference in Acts 10 to dietary habits was merely analogous to differences in nationality, especially non-Jewish nations.

How conveniently individuals, collective groups, speak out of context in justifying patterns of desire, pleasure, consumption, action, etc.

The eleventh chapter of the Old Testament Book of Leviticus provides very strict dietary laws per God's commands, to insure proper health for his obedient followers. The same dietary laws are reinforced at least partially through the writings of the prophet Isaiah, regarding the abomination of eating swine. It is unlikely under any circumstances God's laws are any different now pertaining to clean and unclean foods for consumption, regardless whomever lobbies otherwise.

For the truly repentant soul, practice caution in releasing years of pork consumption, as to protect yourself from unnecessary detoxification agony. Cut the consumption in half, in half again, and in half again, gradually, if necessary, to release the addictive pattern, as with all addictive patterns. The desire will gradually subside if you are obedient with God's truth. Some are able to stop immediately, do not compare your experience with others, to avoid dangerous backsliding. We are all different, be good to yourself, love yourself, with the information, if it is new. For the recalcitrant soul, it is unlikely pork consumption will keep you from heaven, and it may, in the words of Dr. Carey Reams, send you to wherever you are going to spend eternity much quicker. Thanks also to Michele Longo Odonnel for providing previously mentioned information pertaining to the hygienic and consumptive patterns of pigs.

God bless us all, pray peace to each of our souls!

December 28, 2010

Individuals genuinely interested in the life of a person committed to knowing, understanding, and living the teachings of Jesus Christ must read Deitrich Bonhoeffer's seminal classic, "The Cost of Discipleship." It is unfortunate it has to be purchased, as the Holy Bible, all Christian spiritual/religious material, a condition of spiritual infamy that continues to plague the world since the beginning of recorded time.

Weary of euphemistic ploys to delude the general populace for accumulative material gain, words spontaneously sound from a well of spiritual strength that refuses to accept disobedience as God's will, disobedience spoken from any "pulpit," "soap box," or "sound bite."  In memory of Bonhoeffer, "Faith is obedience," "obedience is faith." God's grace is the catalyst that joins the two.

December 18, 2010

"Politically Correct" behavior is a "new age" charlatan tactic employed to group the teachings of God's Son in the same category as Anti-Christ teachings, to discourage the devout who obey God's Holy Commandments!

December 14, 2010

Vous avez mon coeur pour Le Mass De Jesus Christi! Regardez "Le Fils" aussi le soleil!

December 10, 2010

Historically, individuals ensconced in material power, material wealth, have bulged at the seams physically from over indulgence. Surfeit living habits however do not always entail a physical appearance of corpulence. Whether such behavior was prevalent during biblical times of Noah, Moses, King David, is uncertain, yet likely. There were biblical kings who suffered severe intense physical illness, as Asa, Hezekiah, likely Solomon, from prevalence for spiritual disobedience, and fall from spiritual grace in his later years.

God emphasizes the negative results of spiritual disobedience through disease/illness throughout old and new testament scriptures, as well as spiritual formulas for surpassing such conditions. Such knowledge is available for the genuine disciples, the saints, as all authentic Christians are referenced in New Testament writings. Genetically sins of the parents are passed down to their offspring, clouding the child's spiritual perspective from birth. For many, if not most now, there are enormous barriers to overcome to achieve liberation from centuries of deficient living on behalf primary physical relationships/family genetics, as well as faulty living patterns as demonstrated on behalf spiritual mentors. To accomplish such a formidable task requires placing God first in one's relationships, a prevalence with little emphasis in our times. For it is in placing God first, that  we as his children receive primary instruction, not as we desire necessarily, rather as he ordains. Patience is a key to receiving such a blessing, as it may require many years of learning, prayer, devotion.

For those misinformed regarding man made laws, please understand there are no man made laws that supersedes God's spiritual laws, only attempts of the power hungry to effect/affect such!!! Mankind will be held accountable to God's spiritual laws last presented to his children during the life of his son, Jesus Church. For the serious minded student, many hours of prayer, devotion, meditation will clear confusion as to what God's laws are. For surfeit individuals, such discipline/discipleship is required to inherit the pearl of great price. Confusion is the child of disobedience.

December 7, 2010

For all readers seriously interested in achieving/maintaining genuine health, Carey A. Reams book, Choose Life Or Death, is another seminal classic, unavailable in traditional medical resources. Dealing with serious middle ear tumors for close to 20 years, with 3 middle ear surgeries, optimum healing results were procured via utilizing Dr. Reams's Biological Theory of Ionization, as administered by Michele Longo Odonnell's Holistic Clinic in the San Antonia, Texas area. 

Dr. Reams poignantly presents factual information as to the leading etiology for disease/illness . . . mineral deficiencies. My own personal healing crisis validates his extensive research development, coupled with herbs, vitamins, amino acids, and organic natural foods.

Dr. Reams presents biblical evidence for healing modalities in conjunction with God's will, in conjunction with scriptural prophetic words that challenge his people to avoid drugs: "Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor their thefts," Revelation 9:21.  Dr. Ream's continues by stating "in the Book of Revelation the word sorceries
means drugs, drug salesmen, or drug purchaser, or drug user. It is the only place in the entire Bible that it means drugs. It comes from the Greek word pharmakeia, meaning drugs."

Dr. Reams continues, "Today many of the doctors are not permitted by laws made by the drug establishment to do what they know to do to help a person, and therefore, a patient suffers much longer because of these laws of tyranny.

I have been told many times by doctors:

'I have to do certain things although I knew it to be wrong. Everything I do is censored. 

Unless I sell a certain amount of drugs each month I will not be permitted to use the hospitals.

Unless I send so many patients of mine to the hospitals I will be restricted from using the hospital at all.' "

For presenting truth about disease/illness versus optimum health, Dr. Reams was incarcerated numerous times for practicing medicine without a license, when factually his Biological Theory of Ionization is the practice of health through diet. Dr. Reams states, "The practice of medicine is the practice of illness through drugs and surgery. "

"Today the drug manufacturers tell the doctors what to do for the disease. All the doctor has to do is to name it, and it is his hide if he doesn't do what the PDR ( Physicians Desk Reference) says to do."

Pray peace to your soul!

November 30, 2010

Please pray that God's will only transpires in my work, as a new client is in my circle of healing influence with Level 4 metastasized cancer, near death. Recommended alternative healing interventions can only be administered if she survives intensive care and returns home. Her chances for survival with continued allopathic medicine has expired. FYI the US national average for survival for metastasized cancer treated allopathically with radiation and chemotherapy is under 1%. There are healing clinics, one in particular is Michele Longo Odonnell's clinic in the San Antonio area, that have as high as an 85% terminal cancer healing rates. Michelle's recovery time is typically 18 months in her clinic. She takes clients the AMA physicians, traditional medicine, writes off as terminal. My work involves teaching clients to heal themselves through coffee colonics/enemas, diet, nutrition, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, God's love. My work is typically provided for free, which is preferred, as it allows a closer connection with the client spiritually, coupled with greater precision with healing interventions as guided directly by the Holy Spirit. It is however challenging for me in the world as resources often run thin. Nevertheless, my life is blessed, even as persecution from established traditional groups/individuals/institutions is often severe, those preferring pleasure/comfort/material wealth in the world to following God's spiritual directives.

November 19, 2010

Recent participation with a Protestant congregation affiliated with a university and theological seminary aroused concern on my behalf as to scriptural interpretations that create confusion, a double bind, in the mind of members. It was stated recently by a leader of a bible study/Sunday school class, to paraphrase, that disobedience must be embraced in the context of a Christian ministry. This message was later reinforced by the pastor in the same Sunday sermon, stating that it is only necessary to believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God to receive eternal redemption. Ergo, all sin is absolved by an action of belief in Jesus Christ, dispelling necessity for strictly adhering to God's commandments, as we are all sinners anyway. This kind of thinking is intensely disturbing to me, as it borders on a form of "carte blanche" liberal thinking that disqualifies the importance of placing God primary in an individual's daily actions, concomitantly as well relegating the secondary in importance of Jesus Christ's commandments impotent, " to love one's neighbors as oneself." If one is failing to correct one's neighbors for faulty spiritual thinking/actions/behaviors, one is failing to love their neighbors genuinely. Jesus Christ was a radical in his time, and still is. Jesus Christ is not a people pleaser, or a pleasure seeker, nor does he endorse those behaviors in others, if individuals are placing their comfort in the world primary to loving God and following his commandments. Yes, we are all sinners, yes, we are forgiven if we are truly contrite, and we are instructed in forgiveness, to "go and sin no more." The bar has been set too low in contemporary society for those who adhere to Christian teachings, resulting in mass obesity, drug/alcohol/nicotine/caffeine addictions, marriage infidelity, soaring divorce rates, etc., etc. We must rethink our failed strategies continually to upgrade our addictions to God, to let go of material acquisition at the expense of spiritual obedience, to emphasize God as the primary source in our lives.

Equally concerning is whether this particular congregation, or a plurality of Protestant congregations, or majority Christians in fact, are reading the Holy Scriptures: relegating that responsibility instead solely to their paid ministers. The obvious caveat is that ministers are avoiding difficult scriptural passages that admonish sinners, instead focusing on a "new age" version of pleasure seeking that places social affects primary to spiritual commandments. When a minister's financial livelihood is contingent on pleasing those who donate funds necessary for their upkeep . . . property ownership/housing accommodations; food; clothing; personal property; food; clothing; vacations; retirement; etc. . . . ministers are threatened in their ability to chastise recalcitrant members who donate significant financial resources that fund their salaries. Recently a pastor of a Protestant church in a nearby small town stated the most important element of negotiation in accepting his recent appointment as minister to a new congregation was salary, clearly breaching Jesus Christ's instruction that the first and foremost commandment is "to love God with your heart, mind, and soul!" Man cannot serve God and riches, there must be a primary choice.

The following passage is presented to illustrate the above topic:

I Corinthians 5

1 It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much
   as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife.

2 And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned , that he that hath done this deed might be taken
   away from among you.

3 For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present,
   concerning him that hath so done this deed,

4 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power
   of our Lord Jesus.

5 To deliver such a one into Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the  
    day of the Lord Jesus.

6 Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?

7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as your are unleavened. For even 
   Christ our  passover is sacrificed for us:

8 Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and
    wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators:

10Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with
   idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world.

11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a
     fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one
     no not to eat.

12 For what have I do do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?

13 But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked

It is important to note that the Apostle Paul,  in stating "To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus," is using the conditional with the word "may!" There are no guarantees, and if anyone says to you there is, get up and walk out!!! God is the final adjudicator for all of us .... period!!! The final adjudication does not happen at the moment of death, rather, after the "parousia," the second coming of Jesus Christ. So if anyone categorically states they know that someone has inherited eternal salvation, get up and walk out, only God knows for sure. We are told many claim they are with Jesus Christ who are not in the Book of Life.

For those who argue, we do not know exactly the teachings, or how much biblical scripture has been altered by the Church since the original writings, how important to call on God's name continually for direction, instruction, guidance, spiritual wisdom, so as to avoid the pitfalls that continually appear to throw us off course. If we place God first, we are told he will place us in his kingdom!

Remembering to love our neighbors as ourselves entails loving them equally: rich, poor, sick, healthy, brilliant, mentally challenged, so forth. We get into trouble when we place the favored on the front row. Loving our neighbors as ourselves does not include loving their rotten, self-indulgent behaviors. Rather, it means loving their souls, which sometimes requires loving them at a distance, admonishing them, reporting them if they are a threat to themselves or others, etc.

Read the Holy Scriptures, study the Holy Scriptures, and God will bless you beyond all material limitations, yeah into his very heart! Contradictions encountered in studying the scriptures will edify your soul, if you allow God the time to fill in the blanks, which often requires much patience, many hours of prayer, meditation, devotion. Contradictions are man made, human fallacy.  Spiritual truth, spiritual understanding, spiritual wisdom, is God given, the presence of God in our lives. Live and breathe God and the contradictions will vanish!! Pray peace to your souls!

October 27, 2010

Modern professionalism sacrifices authentic spiritual obedience for comfort, pleasure, financial accumulation, greed, lust, over indulgence, a feel good society. Christ told his apostles the majority will not inherit the kingdom of God, never has it been more true in time than now.  Religion has become a social  networking device, with highly paid clergy telling their congregations what they want to hear, otherwise they are replaced by someone who will. Prescription medication is the current high ball, pleasure endorser, extending well beyond the cocktail hour to encompass 24 hour cycles for many, if not the majority likely soon to be. The "saint" has overwhelming been replaced by the "sinner!"

June 24, 2010

When we make the real, historical, figure of Jesus Christ into a cosmic entity only we lose touch with his redemptive gift conveyed to mankind in flesh and blood, replacing it with the charlatan's pursuit for worldly power, knowledge, accumulation, comfort, pleasure, carnal intensity, etc. Indicative of the Age of Materialism which currently typifies global affairs, social/academic/economic/political/legal/religious/business, etc., preferences extend at least an arms length to thought dimensions that diminish the proverbial high maintained by those who live lives of exclusive material comfort: an acquiescence of the soul to spiritual sloth, ruled by states of consciousness predicated by prescription and recreational chemical means of altering consciousness.
How remarkable that new age Christian gurus/teachers/ministers after exhausting a member's, an initiate's, monetary resources often discredits them, drops them, throws them back into the world so to speak, to live in isolation, to complete supposed past karmic actions: the member/initiate is rejected by the main congregation due to the leader's condemnation, while the guru/teacher/minister continue to maintain progressive bottom line financial increases of private property, personal assets. "Come unto me all races, colors, creeds, under all circumstances, situations, and environments, never to be forsaken, throughout all time they say": words prophesied by the historical Jesus Christ, to paraphrase, to be spoken by charlatans to follow him. Is this really any different than popes living lives of intense sin conveniently excommunicating parishioner's who question their authority?

Is the church really ministering to its congregation, feeding Christ's sheep, while it continues to hold enormous financial resources in land, buildings, bank deposits, stocks, bonds, art, antiques, etc? Did not the true saints, those who lived at the time of Christ and immediately after him follow his command "to love thy neighbor as thyself," by selling all property rights and evenly distributing resources as needed among its congregations. The young rich man  instructed to sell his property to follow Jesus refused, as he possessed great wealth. His disobedience has become ordinary with contemporary Christianity, who maintain wealth for personal pleasure, in direct contradiction of God's Holy Commandment, as spoken through his son, Jesus.

The church continues to allow the past actions of the Emperor Constantine to subject the church to aristocratic impediments based on old testament Mosaic laws, ultimately rubber stamping Christianity as a state religion, with practices that directly contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ. The pope for those unaware was not  present at the Nicean Council in 325 AD, nor has the church adequately explained exactly what happened. Constantine lived the life of a pagan until death was near, when he finally converted. Exactly how much influence he wielded on altering authentic biblical scriptural artifacts is unknown to those who exist outside the walls of Vatican supremacy. We know from the life of Pope Alexander VI, similar great sinners within the papacy, that the original teachings of Jesus Christ are defiled as likely in text as in actions: exactly how much is lost is unknown to the modern mind, after centuries of subterfuge and deceit. Only the Vatican knows for sure, if at all, as the power of the sinner rules the material world through: alcoholism, drug addiction, lust, vanity, power hunger, sexual perversion, gluttony, sexual immorality, private property accumulation, deterioration of sexual boundaries, multiple sexual partners, adultery, genocide, hunger, death by starvation, war, the military industrial corporations, economic disparity, social exclusivity, political deceit, academic competition, athletic idolatry, Orwellian mass control, etc. Modern day state regulatory systems under 501 (c) 3 charters evidence the continued political infamy within Christianity. Indeed fiscal/material power under the domain of "rulers of darkness," "spiritual wickedness in high places" maintains evil in the world through man made laws, as Jesus Christ taught, evidenced also in the words of St. Paul in the Book of Ephesians.

Fear not, "the kingdom of God is within," and is available to all that seek.
May Jesus Christ be with you as you call upon his name, his presence, authentically, in the stillness of your heart, your soul.

[Apology is offered again, as many time previously, for the negative energy, by any name, power, principality, region, ruler, height, depth, or evil,  that incessantly alters the formatting of this blog, to deter readers from easily reading what is written. Those who know Jesus Christ know that a continual onslaught persists to block all who follow truth as spoken by the prophets, the Son of God. It is no different for any who do the best they can to keep his commandments. My love is with you, as we learn to rise above the dross that is slung. Pray peace to your soul!]

March 12, 2010

Reading a biblical scripture in the first book of Corinthians, having read the particular verse numerous times previously, it occurs to me what a mysterious impact the composition indubitably impressed upon me as a youth focused on entering a life of ministerial service.

Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth. I Corinthians 10:24

Towards the end of my undergraduate education, just prior to beginning my senior year, an opportunity to work as a patronage appointee in the U.S. Senate sponsored by my state Senator from Georgia, Richard B. Russell, while attending George Washington University in DC, drastically altered my life focus, ushering in predominantly a personal time of materialistic focus which persisted for many years. It was a tumultuous time in Washington, especially in the Senate, due to the near occurring assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy, coupled with the soon infamous Watergate activity, resulting in the resignation of President Nixon, anti-war demonstrations against the war in Vietnam/Cambodian Campaign, and wide spread acceptance of recreational drug usage that penetrated all aspects of American society, including institutional religion. It would be several decades before successfully integrating the primary spiritual lessons that were permitted entry into my consciousness during that time, continuing until as recent as today.

It would require a lengthy novel to appropriately depict the psychological collisions that occurred academically, socially, economically, from a personal perspective from that period, which is impossible to redress from a national/international perspective. Publication of such an endeavor empty of rhetorical entertainment value, which would dilute the substantive effectiveness of the work, is contrary to current publishing efforts where market value exceeds humanitarian authenticity. There is however invaluable resolve from a personally integrated spiritual learning which is my gratification to share with you at this time.

Apart from a few ill spent years of youth during my twenties, business/financial/economic interests have invariably produced wealth for those around me intentionally on my behalf, genuinely free of envy for another's possessions, even in lieu of an inability on my part to produce comparable gains for myself. In retrospect, there have been and continues to be times of laying at the feet of the Master strenuous concern as to the use of funds generated from personal disciplinary effects by me by those for whom my talents were expressed.

This presents spiritually in the autumn of the psychologically generative stage of my life is an ineffable peace that somehow God manifests mysteriously this teaching for me. It does not absolve evidence of financial loss, usury, fraud, or other qualitative potentials perhaps expressed by those for whom my employment enriched, even if supposed providentially! It does fill my heart with a degree of cooperation, as it required(s) acceptance with conditions that often alienated(s) my desires. 

March 4, 2010

But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? I John 3:17

It seems religious sects, made up of people, male and female, spend such a primary portion of their time deliberating exactly which apostle wrote what book of the bible, if at all, or which biblical exegesis is correct, forgetting, or in most instances deliberating avoiding the simplicity of what Christ taught, and the faithful who follow him. Not once in many decades of worshiping with others in God's house, in religious or spiritual retreats, seminars, or in any religious/spiritual context, was the above scripture ever the topic for a sermon, homily, or testimonial in my memory. In reality when the subject of poverty, indigence, is discussed, it is primarily in the context of obligation, expedient responsibility, barren of compassion as above.

Canned goods with excess sodium, processed foods, carbohydrates with too much sugar, worn clothing of little value, used toys, annual events that occasionally purvey green products, rarely approaching the monetary cost of even one executive salary in non-profits that employ dozens, tax write offs, business promotional propaganda, etc., are characteristic of obligatory giving, bottom line pity, limousine liberal attitudes of throwing bones, or scraps from the horn of plenty, conservatives who flinch when asked, rarely give, or offer righteous rejections to those who may be physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually, economically, academically, artistically, athletically, militarily, politically, and otherwise deficient in playing market roulette, or who may genuinely have open hearts, preferring enough instead of narcissistic dissipation.

Because thous sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thous mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eye salve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

                                                                                       Revelation 3: 17-22

February 9, 2010

Recently, after many years of experiencing religious division through nefarious justification of sin by the world's leading institutions, including ecclesiastical, the study of Hebrew began, self taught, to ascertain more directly spiritual logos, as written by God in the beginning of Judeo-Christian tradition and presented to mankind through his prophet Moses. Unfortunately without a living prophet to instruct such an endeavor, my learning is subject to the whims of scholars, who over the centuries continue to debate precise meanings, as handed down from classical to contemporary Hebrew interpretations, involving now not only Judaic theologians, Catholics and Protestants as well. The purpose for such learning is to draw nearer to God, YHWH, who since the crucifixion and resurrection of his son remains silent in direct spoken language to his creation. There indeed have been a plethora of self-proclaimed prophets over time, traditional church leaders, saints, martyrs, since Christ's ascension, who have acquired significant agreement as to God's meaning for his people, notwithstanding none since the death of the original apostles to whom God has spoken directly, evidenced universally at the time, beyond sectarian systems of thoughts/beliefs/encounters. Ergo conflict ensues to the present moment, fueled vigorously by those whom possess the greatest psychic/material resources, as to the preferred line for God's contemporary logos.

Each day the dilemma appears within my consciousness as to the exact direction of this spiritual breach that exists within mankind's consciousness. There are no infallible answers, only attempts at infallibility.

Hebrew language entails a spiritual context that is non-transferable to other languages adulterated through political machinations, although similar in administrative authority to such languages, evidenced by ancient Judaic tribal sects, including the Pharisees, and the Sadducees, who quarreled over scriptural meanings. The beginning of a journey that avails only copies of copies of copies of religious texts, might easily detain anyone seeking the authenticity of spoken truth of a simple man who continues to make the most profound impact on humanity. How can an individual attain spiritual wisdom when scholars fail to validate Hebrew or Aramaic as the authentic linguistic preference of the Lord incarnate? Obvious to even the novice, Aramaic is a provincial dialect of Hebrew, with the exact number and fraternal alphabet as classical Hebrew, with a simplistic accent, idiomatic expressions that most likely offended the staunch, legalistic, wealthy, Hebrew scholars of his time, even until present time. Nevertheless the debate continues, even as such petty intents continue to separate religious Christian oriented denominations. The question, far from rhetorical, focuses on the meaning of life in relationship to divinity, personally and absolutely, through the spoken and written word, the logos. The transparency of this continued breach inherently stems from individual and collective struggles for power, anathema to God's will, rights of property, legal authority, academic maxims, judicial maleficence, carnality, intemperance, affection as distinguished from agape, accumulation, indulgence, psychic imaginations, creative arrogance, social and economic conceit, political equivocations, physical/mental/emotional obsessions, substance abuse, sexual perversity, artistic/religious/academic/governmental/social/commercial/medical/military/recreational/cultural/racial/sexual/ idolatry, a list too long to be adequately comprehensive in such a brief posting.

Inexorable quests of youths/innocents subjected to protracted, atrophied, conditions of religious intelligence inevitably maintains the spiritual disintegration of mankind, a seminal by-product of humanity's original collapse from spiritual symmetry. Nonetheless the redemptive promise still remains for the strong in heart until the last breath of leviathan, God's reply to Job that he is a king over all the children of pride.

January 23, 2010

Traveling extensively in the US in the past 4 months has made me acutely aware of the lack of gratitude that prevails in this country, especially amongst those whom have the most in the material world. Prevalent is a self-indulgent attitude of comparison between what one possesses and those whom one envies for having more, disrespects for resources inferior to theirs, a sense of entitlement that what one has by some sort of supernatural law belongs to them at the expense of just about anyone they know, whether earned, bequeathed by inheritance, swindled, stolen, gratis, or by whatever means acquired. Most challenging in this now apparent global scenario is a narrow minded support system of individuals around them that reinforce this ill fated thinking/behavior. Where this thinking/behavior leads is either to an early grave, or even worse, physiological conditions that magnet an agonizing fate more difficult than death, resulting in a bankrupt after life.

Some would say immediately in rebuttal that such individuals are void of faith, which is not my direct experience, rather the opposite, as those who report strong institutional religious ties seems to harbor the most resentment, as if God had personally promised them allegiance in the material world, quantitatively and qualitatively of exalted value. These markings are routinely masked under a surge of activity that allows them to appear gracious, as long as there is sufficient wealth to indulge their current lusts, and reasonable guarantee this satisfaction will continue until death. Otherwise vehemence surpasses common gestures of charity to preserve their comfort zones. Offerings swell with tokens for messages: tele-evangelicals, sermons, homilies, seminars, retreats, or othewise systems that sustains their thinking, occurring most often in places where their ideas of allowances originate.

There are notably religions of this world that promise material wealth to their constituencies, even in certain Christian sects. There are however none returning from the grave to validate such thinking as trustworthy. A dear friend once told me, even the most notable wealth at death have noting of material value to take with them, in essence are worth nothing, with the exception, it may be added, of actions of their souls to honor God, love their neighbors, while living within a short life span.

Canon law infamously twist religious precepts to exhort material power adjacent to economic resources, even to the degree of creating paradoxical barriers to submerge common sense. If we are told in the Holy Scriptures "to love God with our heart, mind and soul," and "to love our neighbors as ourselves" are the foremost commandments in the eyes of God, then private ownership of property is anathema to God's will, even as the early Christians shared all resources according to need with their fellow brethern, including Joseph of Arimathea, St. Luke, St. Paul, Zacchaeus, and all the rest. As for religious precepts external to Jesus Christ, may your gods bless you in your beliefs, they however do not sustain my faith, my knowledge of truth, my experience of divinity, nor can they validate faith in other physical bodies of authentic divinity other than by superstition, hearsay, or rumor. Jesus died, it was witnessed by thousands, he resurrected, it was witnessed by over 500, he lives, it is witnessed by all who believe.

Paradox resides in the minds and emotions, a component of literary license. Truth exists in the perfection of peace, free of doubt, a resurgence of God's promise of regeneration. Pray peace to your soul. Amen!

December 18, 2009

Apologies for the psychologically ill personalities prone to substance abuse who find sadistic pleasure in materially distorting the life works of those who expose their mental, emotional suppurating: developmental immaturity as evidenced by promoting procedural electronic hacking in lieu of contributing substantive content. Corrections are please noted!

December 8, 2009

In Carl Jung's own words his theory of personality presupposes a traditional Judaic-Christian Satan as the compelling force behind the shadow archetype. Interesting how individual schools of psychological thought misinterpret this concept for academic/philosophical/theological exaltation. In the final analysis in contemporary society establishing morality, ethics, principles, is left to executive/legislative/judicial impropriety in a world that strives for normality within the confusion of banal excretions: mankind is left to exist within boundaries that impose eschatological snares. We tell our children to obey God's commandments, then counsel them from ideas shaped from broken promises, infidelity, self- indulgent behaviors, voracity, vanity, deception, intoxication, disrespect, unholiness. Remaining "cool" takes precedence over God's laws, with innumerable rationales for transgression of divine laws co-existing with systems of moral pollution, political corruption, ethical exploitation! 2009 years, slightly over 20 centuries have come and gone primarily in disobedience from God's gift of redemption for mankind. Our musical performances, moralizing lectures, even our giving follows a perfunctory course seasonally returning home from events of momentary rapture to a life contingent on physiological, economic, consumption with concomitant ups and downs. Forgotten is God's first and second in importance commands to love God with our hearts, minds and souls, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Instead religious tolerance fashions weapons of conceit to conquer the minds, emotions, and physical components of human opposition as millions die within the Holiday Season, of hunger, starvation, cruel atrocities of war.

Jesus' words to Peter before his ascension, Feed my lambs, rings throughout the Christ Mass to ears that hear, souls that follow. Pray a seasonal of spiritual warmth to surpass the "coolness" of mankind's spiritual disobedience.

October 15, 2009

A service opportunity assisting a dear soul healing a life threatening illness is currently first priority: please remember my healing ministry in your prayers, my friend and her family, so many on the planet undergoing similar challenges of the physical body.

Stanza XXVII of Holmbly Hills continues to formulate as spirit moves through and around. The voice of literary prophecy speaks through the major biblical prophets even until now. It is God that speaks to the willing child. Amen!

September 13, 2009

Serendipitously there have been numerous personal invitations extended recently to visit this poetry blog: many, previous friends functioning in different spirals of influence due to career options, family commitments, creative endeavors, etc., some individuals recommended by others, others inviting me to connect with their current history.

For newcomers to the site, welcome, it is a work in progress, as my current poem, Holmbly Hills, remains incomplete. It may assist the reader to read ponderings prior to the actual poetry as they offer insight to creative currents that pass through my consciousness, free of categorical imperatives that often lock awareness into guiltless advantage. Each person's narrative is unique in some manner, even as homogeneous social structures often bifurcate polar opposites that favor quantity/quality over spiritual understanding. Your presence on the website is a blessing to me, as an artist to be read, as a soul to share words as a conduit for healing, forgiveness, empathy, compassion, discipline, devotion, a sacred journey involving courage, trust, sometimes raw faith, often uncertainty, always a degree of unconditional love.

It is said truth is paradoxical, which is not my experience at this stage in life. Truth for me simply is, free of qualifications that lessen God's intention. We are instructed in sacred scripture that the kingdom of God is within. From there truth flows into the material world as a gift from divinity. Truth is not found in the material world, only paradox, in my mortal experience, rather truth is found in God. Pray peace to your soul!

August 19, 2009

Educated and trained as a psychologist it is always my intention to serve the mental and emotional needs of others to the best of my ability. Often this requires stepping aside to allow others to deal with issues which present in daily circumstances beyond my field of reference legally, spiritually, or within an immediate sphere of influence with friends, family, professional colleagues, acquaintances, etc.

A particular psychological disorder that appears routinely, listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, is Oppositional Defiant Disorder, listed under Disorders Usually First Evident in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence. Experience indicates that the disorder frequently continues into adult life for those who fail to heal complicated etiological issues. A list of criterion for the behavior evidenced by 5 of the traits for a determined time span is as follows :

(1) often loses temper
(2) often argues (for children with adults)
(3) often actively defies or refuses (adult for children) requests or rules
(4) often deliberately does things that annoy other people
(5) often blames others for his or her own mistakes
(6) is often touchy or easily annoyed by others
(7) is often angry and resentful
(8) is often spiteful or vindictive
(9) often swears or uses obscene language

Lack of awareness on behalf adult populations often perpetrates the disorder into adulthood, fueled by chemical ingredients that effect mental states impotent in recognizing, or adequately remedying issues causing the disorder. Often individuals with the disorder possessing significant creative abilities merge into positions of considerable corporate, military, governmental, judicial, religious, economic, academic, creative, business, etc.,  power, free to wield enormous destructive havoc on circles of influence within their powerful domain. At such a stage annoying daily personality traits on an ordinary scale become potentially devastating global disasters. Unbalanced for indefinite periods of time in large scale numbers the consequences are potentially life threatening for humanity at large.

Spiritual evaluation illuminates mankind's recalcitrant tendencies over millenniums, a formidable breach with God's plan for his people. Religious systems worldwide, since the inception of time, continue to justify error in human behavior as fatalistic, predetermined, unavoidably disregarding God's directive to seek perfection even as God is perfect, who has made mankind in his image. The few who adhere to the divine plan of any religion are persecuted as fanatical, zealous, devout, narrow-minded, while the preponderance subsidize the charlatan in relatively small homogeneous groups, even within large religious dogmatic trends.

Inordinately societies favor materialism at the expense of divine recognition, as evidenced by the witness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ by over 500 people, historically recorded, religiously relegated to a quasi-political polemic for the past 2009 years. The prediction of the Son of God, to paraphrase, that the majority will not achieve eternal salvation continues unabated, even as humanity continues to favor pleasure over spiritual resolution.

July 27, 2009

Pleasure seekers are primary critics of didactic moralism historically validated by Sir Thomas More's decapitation by those who could not face the majesty of Utopia, or his subsequent inability to agree to the legalization of adultery. History is replete with examples of the unfaithful bludgeoning those who try! Is society any better for permitting centuries of libertarian nihilism or conversely adopting such at the death of morality?

July 20, 2009

Summer months through mid-October offers recycling of past energies, past memories, past experiences, opportunities to move into new dimensions of awareness beyond stolid flotsam and jetsam in life's journey through wild seas.

Annotation for Holmbly Hills is unlikely till after the autumnal equinox or later: a key is offered to the enthusiast searching for application in mysterious patois: heraldic symbols!

July 11, 2009

Gratitude follows an unfinished Holmbly Hills. Colloquialism is another way to express a point of view, or to shift through what otherwise might seem rubbish.

July 4, 2009

We are told in Plato's evidence of Atlantis, in the Timeaus, material form eventually alters to accommodate newly created illusions of reality. Authentic reality however exists only in man's relationship with divinity, as evidenced by the return of God's Son to earth after crucifixion, genuine evidence of the one true God's ability to surpass mankind's feeble attempts at idolatry.

Astral hallucinations/imaginations plagues mankind's escape from mundane reality/preferences. Faulty interpretations of spiritual power strangle the mind even as gods battle for God-dom! There is however only one God, all else is impudence. Pray peace to your soul.

June 20, 2009

Professional poetry systemically in the latter three quarters of the 20th Century has proceeded to eliminate the non-academic poet endorsing essentially those for purse publishing who are inclined to a contemporary nouveau collegiate canon cult of published letters. Apparent choices for poetry awards primarily remain closed to those uninitiated in academic literary societies.

Theoretically experience indicates a predominantly liberal literary poetic mainstream has evolved aftermath internationally as a result of general, hallucinogenic, stimulant, narcotic, prescription/recreational drug induction socially since the sexual/drug revolution of the 1960s, leaking without exception into every professional aspect of scholastic endeavors, as with medicine, theology/religion, science, law, linguistics, legislative/judicial/executive branches of government, politics, business/market production, journalism, electronic media, entertainment media, sports, et cetera. Literary poetic publication has morphed into a curl of repetitive influence mottled by egocentric verbiage that delights in expressive language, mimicking immediate "best seller list" and/or academic status versification in contrast with traditional literary canon.

Monetary indices although necessary for any publication in the last 20th Century materialistic literary circles have exceeded qualitative components of legendary canon poetry. Aristotle's Poetics, establishing first western literary principles for poetry, with the exception of academic introductory or esoteric graduate course historical overviews of poetry, conceivably remains unknown comprehensively to present day poetry circles.

There is commonly such a plethora of cultural, religious, social, academic, political, governmental, medical, literary, et cetera, archetypes it is uncommonly incongruous for any particular or universal poetic system to annotate completely all poetic literary achievement. Reader’s longuement are left to their own devices to interpret for themselves. Where this mass mixture of nuance spirals or descends depends on present day individual abilities to incorporate global verbal creative technologies into an everyday collective understanding suitable or unsuitable for conventional discourse: questionably fitting enough to deter nuclear proliferation, mass homicides, ethnic cleansings, religious persecutions fueled by hatred, sectarian violence, satanic empowerment, economic holocausts, judicial nihilism, political prostitution, et cetera.

Historically poetic annotations typically transpire from tenured professors of literature at colleges or universities, as a post script to poet laureates acclaimed works. Nevertheless please accept poetic annotations to bridge potential disparity of meaning in creative expression regarding historical or uncommon references. May the reader uneducated in formal literature understand ponderings in light of intentions to give back in a small vessel a portion of what was imparted voluminously. Where there is reasonable intuition that historical or uncommon references are esoteric, unclear, or confusing, the intention with each poem is to elucidate. Otherwise a standard hard copy dictionary or on-line dictionary may suffice. God bless us all.

Please allow sufficient time for annotations as poetry presented on this website is presentational instead of purpose towards financial accrual. God bless us all.

June 8, 2009

Today 's latest addition, Holmbly Hills, urban free verse, a work in process, journeys to you incomplete, even as much purpose continues to birth words relating past experiences in California, that assists in weaning my soul from earth's grasp. This particular verse speaks a language of heart with mortal strength drawn presciently from an open door. It's gift to me continues in sharing it with you. Enjoy!

March 8, 2009

Poetry is a pure art form providing an outlet for expressing our deepest thoughts and feelings. Poetry allows us to communicate concerns that otherwise may lay dormant or lack an appropriate forum for commentary. It allows us an opportunity to assess current conditions in life, to evaluate our relationship with ourselves with others, to reckon
with ordinary to global happenings that surround  us continually. Poetry may posses curative qualities assisting us in working through problems in our lives achieving resolution through insights, salience from exposure, amity through reconciliation. Over the years poetry has aided me personally in accepting, understanding, challenging occurrences that appear when least expected, coming to peace with losses that fracture reality, searching for  spiritual meaning that transforms the mundane into the divine.

It is a gift to receive words that flow in harmony with one's innermost feelings, thoughts, bridging the unconscious into clarity of purpose, loosing the ties that bind the soul to ineffable sadness. It is with humble gratitude poems presented on this website are shared, as it is clear to me on all levels of consciousness the words flow to me as a tender free of possession.

Enjoy, even if confronted by thoughts and feelings that break loose old mental and emotional debris long overdue for release.
My most recent work satirical in nature follows as an elegiac transmutation of difficult experiences that
effect/affect us all as humans. Additions are offered routinely.

Please disregard formatting error(s) as there are incompatibilities with electronic system transference apparently on the psychic as well as physical domain.


We are spoken of as mystical bowing to no one except God:
Listeners of rocks words of all living things, shimmering wet
In wind blown from mountains under sea, offering secrets
Unknown for silent meditation, resting willow lovers fleeing
Immure thoughts from barren symbols drenched in waste:

Language droops mind molten forms designed to control,
Colloidal fragments of opinions trapped in a verbal infusion.
Fractured markets rushing cows to the bull, mounting stock
Pulling away too soon to avoid the spill, falling precipitous:
crowds myopic running vertically along a horizontal path;

Children too old to play dance with pants below the hem,
Rites of passage confused with abdomen, vagina, penis,
Breast 1: ancient cultures integrated from unconscious rest.
Nine or nineteen, does it really matter in a culture that peers
Through the door into the future of innocence mauled, split;

Oceanic dump metallic collects along continental shelf,
Ellesmere Island Alert, Oodaaq dives links Morris Jesup,
Tectonic plates bumping belching mantle asthenosphere,
Ice age melts, Lake Agassiz recapitulates Winnipeg shores 2,
Bering Strait 3 echoes muffed camelids' stumbling pelts torn;

Bullet battered bodies’ hero worship felled in flight fanning
Fertile fires, constant copulation aching capitulated; Black
Hawk-UH 60s, Hummers, F-22 Raptors, AK-47s, M16A-4s,
Buffeting Forex expansion: flatulent minds extorting oil pars,
Hanna, Ike, Gustav leaking lees toppling U.S. oil production;

Executive hedonistic drug infirmed front line sadists straggling
Myrmidon 4 linked bottom line disciplinarians, judicial psoriasis,
Legislative abortion performed from the Bench, economic usury,
Profit driven defense proliferation, mediocre medical treadmill
Immune system deficiencies, global distribution Minoan 5 lust;

Moon in Capricorn 6 respondent spiritual flaws gambling gain,
Word-whining hokum enabling persistent personality disorders,
Money, money, monkey licks dragon lips, ranking rats treading
Turf, body language disguised in dark shirts, even darker ties,
Busy stuck honey notes, bank drafts, promotions, systemic lies;

What do we do petcocks 7 of pay, promoters of counterfeit ethics?
Vasectomies religious political prophets guarding state’s fight to
Protect private ownership of Gods resources 8; furtive 501 (c) 3
Non-profit conduits retrofitted with guilt elimination devices,
Restricted circulation towards terminus due to overhead tapping;

Poverty's child has no food as the busy go home to play, little
Ones listen for sounds of a better day, heart constantly open yet
Blamed, untouchable, shammed; billions spent on scientific tests
Easily manipulates the press while 40,000 daily from hunger laid
To rest 9 : Freedom from Hunger a time whose idea is spent rent; 10

Karmic Bardo interlude fueling stock rushes, 11 spiritual achievement
 A mere ten per cent yearly gain; why worry “Everyones going to
Make it” slogans promoting: prime property power; the preacher
 Sacking the saint; God living in an eighty million dollar estate;
The Son reported living in Colorado, mingling with billionaires; 12

Orthodoxy’s Amnesia forgotten new covenant teachings reverting to
 Nomadic laws allowing murder for fealty, 13 idolatry state’s religion
No matter the chatter; corporate dominated national security blows
The ruse sic media stuffs freedom of the press mid-way through
“Opinions;” 14 spiritual objectives refuse God granting mow down; 15

St. James betrayed 16 . . . society following gods of opinion, opinion
Society's source of mammon, disguises courting success rolodex
Converted to online address, progress reverts to hell’s pay designing
For mêlée, senators flipping backwards accommodating erections,
President's approve porn shoring up ratings – “Times” pith of myth;

“Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, where are you today,” “children condoms
Precedent parents’ pleasure forcing painVicodin,
Percodan, Demerol, RMS MS Contin, Dialudid, Oxycontin, Lorcet
Lortab sacrificing mamas’ hugs for pizza chicken tender pocket pies
Six-Flags school night . . . goona go to hell if I don’t stop drinking;”

Presidential parental capsized off the Persian Gulf, supply/demand
International fiscal policy on sabbatical subject to return if military
Strops relinquish cordage around corpus bellum; Lockheed Martin,
Northrop Grumman, Boeing, General Dynamic blind trusted plinths;
Executive sale stratagems boosting Dow averages per defense cliffs;

If all is practical categorical absolutes pale to nurture soul; mankind
May live by body alone as particle collider's presage power yet power
May posterity fold; start again to calculate the wind, 17 Japan facing
Indonesia along the Ring of Fire 18 ancient Mayan gulf floods Yucatan;
Galveston dips Houston closer than Higgs boson to Nineveh’s digs; 19

There are no answers they say only comments another day; disagree
Whole heartedly, stop war and see! How infamous can you get before
Bowels burst in a fit? Peristaltic movement defunct, cancer on the rise

as junk; link between parasitic plaque on inflamed alimentary tracks
Governments near the brink from a steady dose of pistol barrel stink.

We are spoken of as mystical, at least to ourselves, accepting mind as
Understanding to fail; memories given mysteries shores, willow waters
Harsh thoughts transform; 20 into the depths breathing without gills
God’s ecstasy; another wave wends its turn into the amorous heart
Love dippers along the shallow foam seeking memory without score.

1. "Rites of passage confused with abdomen, vagina, penis, Breast: ancient cultures integrated from unconscious rest" underscores prevalence in current youth's transition into the adolescent developmental stage to overemphasize sexual maturation in lieu of equally important mental, emotional, spiritual growth and development. Bombardment from multi-cultural families living, schooling, engaging within close proximity ecologically readily triggers unconscious stress and anxiety for modern children, whose cultural backgrounds have influenced developmental maturity for centuries, millenniums.

2. "Ellesmere Island Alert, Oodaaq dives links Morris Jesup, Tectonic plates bumping belching mantle asthenosphere, Ice age melts, Lake Agassiz recapitulates Winnipeg shores " metaphorically links locations in the Arctic region during the last Ice Age with current melting of arctic ice sheaths. Geologists generally agree that much of the final drainage of Lake Agassiz around 11000 BC occurred within a short time, even as little time as a year.

3. "Bering Strait echoes muffed camelids’ stumbling pelts torn," alludes that in the reasonably recent distance of thousands of years a land bridge connected Asia to North America allowing humans to walk from Siberia to North America thus populating North and South America. Geological artifacts in conjunction with historical trading patterns indicate that ancestors of modern camels first evolved in North America and later spread to most parts of Asia. The two true camels are the Dromedary with one hump, the Bactrian with two humps. The Dromedary native to the Arabian Peninsula, the Bactrian native to central and east Asia. There are also four South American camelid, the llama, alpaca, guanaco, and vicuña.

4. "Myrmidons" were an ancient tribe of Greece comprised of skilled warriors, followers of Achilles in Homer's Iliad. The term later came to mean unquestioning followers who execute orders without question, morality, pity, or protest, such as an android.

5. The Minoans were primarily a mercantile people involved in Bronze Age foreign trade who flourished from approximately 2700 to 1450 BC: a highly organized culture involved in commercial production and distribution of tin, copper, bronze, saffron, ceramics, gold and silver. Minoan men wore loincloths and kilts. Women wore robes that had short sleeves and layered flounced skirts. These were open to the navel allowing their breasts to be left exposed, perhaps during ceremonial occasions.

6. Moon is in detriment when positioned in Capricorn, signifying weakness towards excessive physical/material favor, worldly acquisition, exorbitant and/ or unrestrained sexuality, tendencies towards betting, gaming, financial risk ventures, prevarication, etc. Potential learning available throughout life is restraint, discipline, authentic love for self and others.

7. A petcock is a small value utilized for draining pipes, etc.

8. Private ownership of God's resources references the age long struggle between private or equal distribution of resources, which in New Testament biblical teachings is clarified in the 2nd Chapter of Acts verses: 44-45. "And all that believed were together, and had all things common; and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need."

9. Inanition signals daily death by starvation globally at approximately 100, 000 people per day per 2001-2004 estimates, roughly 40,000 children per day 18 years old and younger.

10. "Nothing is so powerful as AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME The Hunger Project 1977 The end of starvation within 20 years," initiated by Werner Erhard, San Francisco, CA.

11. Narrowly speaking in Tibetan Buddhism the word "bardo" refers to an intermediate state at the moment of death prior to a new life, one's next birth. "For the spiritually advanced the bardo offers a state of great opportunity for liberation, since transcendental insight may arise with the direct experience of reality, while for others it can become a place of danger as the karmically created hallucinations can impel one into a less than desirable rebirth" within the death and rebirth cycle. The first Christian Catholic Theologian, Origen, circa 185-254, taught transmigration of the soul for a limited number of lives, to provide the spiritual seeker opportunity to dispel the illusions of physical reality that trap the soul in human bondage through materialism, carnality, disobedience to God's will. His work was anathetized by the Catholic Church 400 years later. Individuals who believe in reincarnation/re-embodiment of the soul often fall into a trap of putting off spiritual growth until a potential future life, instead focus on accumulation of wealth through less than ideal tactics, such as risky investments as evidenced by current global financial disaster, precarious real estate deals, gaming, etc.

12. “ 'Everyones' going to Make it' slogans promoting: prime property power; the preacher Sacking the saint; God living in an eighty million dollar estate; The Son reported living in Colorado, mingling with billionaires," references new age religious/spiritual groups that interpret Christian teachings in light of theological trends that have evolved from the past 2000 years of philosophical influence. In orthodox Christian canon such teachings would be classified heretical, as evidenced by Jesus Christ's biblical predictions in St. Mark 13:22 "For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect."

13. Old Testament Israelite's were a nomadic tribe originally prior to becoming God's chosen race, until their release from Egyptian bondage and establishment in lands promised by God. God of the Old Testament favored the Israelites in battle, often delivering them from impossible odds, allowing even murder for loyalty to the God of Israel's teachings, as evidenced in example by the nailing of Sis'e-ra's temple to the floor by Ja'el in Judges 5:12: whereas in the new covenant teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, murder/killing loses sanction as demonstrated by Jesus in Matthew 26: 51-52, "for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword."

14. Anyone that consistently writes commentary to online news/media publications experiences "corporate dominated national security blows the ruse sic media stuffs freedom of the press mid-way through “Opinions." Political platforms that utilize religion to win campaigns struggle to conceal idolatrous practices in state affairs from the general public, even as public political hero worship, heinous corporate wages, billionaire corporate moguls, entertainment icons, corporate lawyers, judges, etc., will often do anything in their power to claim center stage as demi-gods competing with God. Unregulated Internet press controls all general commentary, especially if the response saliently demystifies corruption and/or exposes fraud, or other nefarious activities, often hiding such commentary at the middle or end of online "comments," if permitting the response at all. "Sic" is used in its original Latin meaning, "thus", "so", "as such", or "in such a manner". "Idolatry" is used literally, " worship of idols; excessive reverence for or devotion to a person or thing," as defined in Webster's New World Dictionary and Thesaurus, Second Edition, Copyright (c) 2002.

15. Wars since Emperor Constantine's rubber stamping of Christianity as the state religion for the Roman Empire, during the First Council of Nicea 325 AD, systematically engage in conflict for private ownership of property, private distribution of resources, contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the actions of his original followers during his life and for 300 years after his crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. Historically Christians during this time span were subject to hideous persecution, resulting for the most part in torture often terminating in death by crucifixion, burning at the stake, tying and quartering, dismembering on a rack, etc., as a demonstration of universal love as Jesus Christ manifests through death. Spiritual objection to murder/killing still exist as a testament to the sacrifice of God's son for universal redemption of all souls that follow the will of God, even as mankind, Christian religious sects, continue to justify killing through temporal philosophical and theological derivatives of temporal philosophical treatises written for the preservation of private ownership, private distribution of God's resources.

16. Christian debate, Catholic versus Protestant, the infidel within and without Christianity, the Charlatan is most evident in "religious" interpretations of the New Testament writing of the Epistle of James. The debate is ludicrous, definitively doing more damage to Christianity than any other topic in canonical scripture, for it robs mankind of spiritual dignity, relegating mind as the highest state of human consciousness in contrast to the soul. Rather than add disgrace to impunity, the reader is encouraged to read the New Testament writings of St. Paul and James regarding salvation, free of ingredients that alter consciousness towards a state of mammon, including and not limited to alcohol, wine, beer, caffeine, nicotine, sugar, lust of the body, greed, vanity, prevarication, hatred, food, righteous indignation, control mechanisms, political polemics, glamour, attention seeking devices, free of the effects of any addictive pattern, free of debates regarding justification by faith or by works, etc. For the religious sinner who positions salvation in their mind only, or the religious fanatic who judges others on the basis of their actions, Jesus Christ speaks to the soul of mankind through the harmony present in each man's writing. The mind is clearly a means by which the soul experiences, deals with, manages reality, as the body and its concommittant actions is a vehicle by which the soul engages in physical reality. Both elements, mind and body, are necessary for human consciousness. Until reading and studying the entire scriptures fervently, the world will confuse, confound, creating a double bind, a double mind, whereas one is unsure if a yes is a yes or no, vice versa. Jesus Christ tells his disciples in John 14:15, "If you love me, keep my commandments." He further states in John 14:12-13,"This is my commandment, That you love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man that this, that a man lay down his life for his friends," which requires a physical as well as a mental action.

17. The large Hadron Collider at Cern in Geneva was discharged late summer, early fall 2008, to provide experimental evidence that Higgs Boson either exist or does not exist: theoretically validation of the Higgs Boson would assist in elucidating the origin of mass in the universe. The project is provisionally on pause due to an accident September 2008. Simultaneously with turning on the particle collider there were two volcanic eruptions reported worldwide, off the coast of Japan and Indonesia. The dots still remain unconnected in the scientific community. The implications are premonitory!

18.The Pacific Ring of Fire (or sometimes just Ring of Fire) is an area where large numbers of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the basin of the Pacific Ocean. In a 40,000 km horseshoe shape, it is associated with a nearly continuous series of oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and, and volcanic belts and/or plate movements. (Information detailed online Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

19. The third most devastating hurricane to hit land in reported in US history, per press coverage, struck Galveston, Texas on September 13, 2008 resulting in 112 US deaths, with 26 still missing, per news coverage, while flooding the entire Yucatan Peninsula. There are however significant facts initially presented via press coverage of the hurricane that remain uncertain: thousands that were initially declared lost who were never accounted for in follow-up press coverage. The allusion to the archaeological excavations of the ancient biblical city of Nineveh in comparison to the unknown final outcome of research on Higgs boson references any illusions of permanency on the planet earth throughout archaeological stages.

20. Willow is used as a Bach Flower remedy to assist those resentful of the actions of others, especially those happier or more successful. See Stefan Ball "Bach Flower Remedies For Men."


Emerald an augurs stone jealous beryl lending sight to kings, seers, priests,
wisdom permeating supplanting caprice,

words ablaze, an eloquent speaker, love burnishing sound, a vocal merkabah,
where does it originate exalted divination?

Where does it end, a day in the life of a thousand years, a saint sawed in half,
some anointed paragon imprisoned magus;

in the propitious morning light voices heard speaking prophecies, for it is greater
to prophesy than to speak in tongues.

Aquamarine beryls sister offers provisions for inner peace, for the prophet an
ordinary rock upon which he rests his feet;

we are given an interlocutory spell into the diviners well, while patiently God
waits for division to abate, silence prelates.

In the prolonged strap of time altruism shuns fraud as profligates wager truth
against zen throughout societies mistakes;

pains incontinence fails; creators prodigies plies pure predictions intuitions
consecrated zeal passing into feeling hands.

"Oh mystery of man!" God's prophets firmly sustains humanity by shunting

the ban from famished to fertile lands.










The Whore

Following the sound of words, images and illusions
Of a distant vision, dreams of the heart
And promises for the soul,

I trusted in the faith of one, who showered great love,
Delivering promises of spiritual rapture
Cures of common frailties.

I bought my place in line and touched the golden cord of life,
Received a shock and returned to complacency.
Over and over I paid with innocence and hope,
A slave to desires of continuity,
A closer vision, and a promise fulfilled.

Again and again, I paid the price of high worshiping sounds,
Fragrant colors, symbolic words and fell fiercely from exhaustion
At the feet of my own lust mirrored in capricious actions
Around and above, in and out, a self-fornicating whore.

I remembered the words of one gentle, times long ago,
Encouraging refrain, lifting beyond boundaries of repression
To freedom of flight. I soared, fell again and forgave. . .
Accepting, beginning to understand comparisons,
Similes of difference and intrepid prayers of discipline.

My heart opened, married the whore, and showered great love,
Delivering promises of spiritual rapture
And cures of common frailties.


Early morning lamps, soft sounds focusing on
Deliberate dedicated devotion

Fragile feelings entering a
Sanctuary of holy light . . . kneeling

Ineffable memories
Lifting to a deep forgiveness . . . weeping

Youth middle aged timeless sanctity
Unifying daily routines

Silent stillness prayerful petition
Engulf with love

Priesthood cistern rarely spoken
Always present!
John’s Song

Dreaming illusions of rue
Awakens moments of truth
A shower of light
Mirrors back my sight
Filling my heart with you

I sit up and cry, emptying my heart
From the pain of the reign of my tears

Dawning colors of gold
Rescues a soul that’s blue
A morning of height
Mirrors back my night
Revealing my heart to you

I sit up and cry, emptying my heart
From the pain of the reign of my tears

Melting lifetimes of old
Delivers a promise long due
An evening of day
Mirrors back my way
Sealing my heart with you

I sit up and cry emptying my heart
From the pain of the reign of my tears

Dry Rain

In my heart, the left ventricle,
A soft place opens filtering specs
Of anguish, delivering love unmolested

A new force enters my life
Gives up the past trips on the present,
Splashing fluid like rain all over

Off come clandestine caps,
Under bottles wrapped in brown paper bags,
Unprofessed poverty protecting unborn images

Inwardly a child like presence prevents
Innocence falling backwards steering
The new potency right to left sincere

Danger disputes circulations,
Flashing fingers flipping fun day melts into
Dusk a fire whipping like dry rain

My heart acclimates the compelling pain
Threatening passage, testing trust,
Pacing forward circumspect a new course.


A remembering forgetful kind of day pulled by psychic worlds testing an obsequious stance,
talent lulled by lower senses maintaining existence beneath stars moon lightning worlds.
Time elapsed unmeasured erratic without schedule lost in thought branded hue, charge neutral
 obverse! Gifts for childrens masquerade consumed waiting; family friends focus exclusively.

Laughter bellies juggle space to accommodate jack o’lantern holiday mask merrymaking,
black tea flavored copious amounts of sugar served in barrel like tumblers, bread beef pork
fish anything that will fit a dish, potatoes mushrooms carrots leeks, brandied bread meats, lavish
drips of coffee, raspberry layered tipsy trifle, caramel nut crunch cream pie, blimps the cheeks.

Playhouse minstrels favor dark night sapphire circles, children walking mysteriously backwards
focus on winged brooms witches warts recreation gone askew, some have costumes others are
blue. Bats wings span moon lerch as unseen feelings fly vernal equinox positions towards
autumnal sky, night swallows day renewed priority settling, summer flips time hastens colors;

Visions momentarily consumed, lighten bugs snapped briskly, seasons memories convert, birds
fly. All Saints morning bells ushering forgiving promises for raucous rumored mid-night slews.
God/men Titans limpid Souls obsessive fiends stretch beyond illusive imagination, darkness
catafalques unconscious revelations: sights sounds rise surreptitiously above disguise.

Jesus Christ

Timeless harmony doth descend
Present to soothe the pangs of men,

A babe in a borrowed bed is born

Field of illusions to rescind
Jesus Christ is our friend

Angel Bright, Angel Light,
Angel of the Living Night,

Gift of God, gift of sight


Prior form sufficiently trapped soul with mind, another body chosen in search of lost time, mystic memories of the Nile drenched in emptiness,

History foreshadowing fallen promises educated ignorance to darker planes. Ascending dead traversing time to release curses justified by dynastic mime,

Emotions locked in a grasp of existential uncertainty; fantasy chasing reality around the triangle, pyramids unravel an incestuous struggle for spiritual power,

Semen looking for sight, so many breathless children, cleft crown usurped by paternal lies buried with conceit; ignoble deeds phallic-centric urges shower,

Boy returns bruised before trust . . . Tutankhamen mystery unveiled God enters through experience; gift of the Paraclete unlocks pinned love,

Peace beyond the tomb; forgotten list forgiven failures melt into a river of joy; God is the castle, roses branch the pond, the Son unwrapped smiles.

The President - Peace

Sacerdotal image of secularity rising and falling in a sea of measured time,
born ashore by weights of commerce;

Responsible to the dreams of Everyman, accountable to a God that walks on jasper
emerald, amethyst and gold;

Consensus builder; disseminator of old and new inspirations; patriarchal/matriarchal
idol of myths;

Intellect given to intelligence seeking a gift of divinity; humility accepting limitations.

Dare we vilify the seeds of ambition tempered by deeds of heart! Is it not us we are seeing, a lamp that cast a shadow;

Dare we think the man is the office when clearly the office he oversees; understanding this creates a world for peace.

Winged Saracen Delight

Winged Saracen Delight with copious flight honor those rising in service to amity

Cumaean Sibyl renounce your dreams of silence cast an oracular note filling the
stars with promise

Our cage of oppression unlatched, Lord lead us to irenicon, grail of Gethsemane
reborn, shifting our hearts to prayer

Rising above illusions of gratitude weeping no more we are given a sign of peace
when those that lead us open their hearts to care


A Christmas prior presented a package of gold
Stenciled stationery, elegant, perfect without
Words, waiting for the right moment to inscribe,
Letter headed with gold leaf . . . “Let Love Lead!”

Such a gift presents an opportunity to measure
Genuineness of reception, gratitude offered,
Degree of conceit . . . forfeiting signs, symbols,
Signatures for motions transformed in truth.

Time lingers for such an opportunity to appear
Waiting patiently as the seasons move identified,
Gracious in retrospect, to another purpose born,
Reason to lift the pen; follow the word to the end.

This is the day when the sound of fallen success
Is softened by strangers standing in. Who would
Have known along my way children at play would
Turn to their parents and say, “Let Love Lead.”

We define our world by words, actions, thoughts and
Deeds . . . and occasionally a patient willow as the
Seasons move uniquely. In my life the child is the
Father to man anew, a reason to lift the pen...

In a hurry one might ask, “When did you hear the child
Speak such things?” Forfeiting signs, symbols, signatures
For motions transformed in truth . . . silent lips point to
The man as the child quietly holds his hand!

Spiritual Anarchy

In the mist of time Enoch warns psychotropic drugs blisters minds
leaving humanity prey to the deluge of nephilium spiritual descent
sexual infamy preferred to obedience

water usually a purifier separates God’s faithful from quagmire whilst
in a small number they ascend the plank to a wooden habitat large
enough to permit peaceful coexistence

many days, many nights rain falls in torrents eclipsing sun, moon, and stars
cleansing terra firma transforming terra incognita, every man his own
pleasures drenched in immortal liquid fire

first black then a solitaire white ornithological species departs to find
land returns a second time subdued with a olive branch clasps in its
sinew, a third chance claims its stance

lowering the arch mankind’s favored father leads ascent to restore light
to the firmament perched on Mount Kardu east, in the land of the sons
of Raban, the mountains of Ararat

Babel to the curse of Solomon people gradually lost sight all the way to
the rent veil columns pillars shaken fell when the son of God overcame
death, saints rising from graves to assent

martyrs, apostles, children et al crucified, burnt, quartered, died until the
emperor falsified leaving his mark of Holocene lies, forcing the church
to consent to aristocratic impediments

Justinian laws open wounds sacrificing truth for witches’ swains: power
branding its mark from a bench drenched in blood underneath cloth of
wool, flannel, et silk, masking gilt

Carolingian honor profanes, Charlemagne interred upright defying death,
even as death took its bite surrounded by artifacts unholy to touch, even
as the king nails of the cross clutched

Pope Gregory VII instills fear renewing morality in ecclesiastical word
rescinded by breach of God's seventh command sanctioning murder to
procure, protect, prosper, papal lands

Martin Luther’s edicts promote earthly sin drenched in wine, fornication,
royal pen: Henry VIII’s castles adulterate inlaid floors, wenches, skidding
to grave one year post to the Dominican

James I, commissioning 53 scholars’ translations of former translations by
Tyndale, William, tried/strangled/burned for heresy, violation of God’s
chosen one to honor the word of the Holy Son

save for a soul or two the law continues to pick up the pew throw it over
its bent frame hauling it to storage or nearby market for bade to the
closest common victual tavern trade

judicial polo sustains slinking daily property investitures against God’s
commandments: didactic spiritual rights positioned rigidly inversely
proportionate to legal civil fights

society lives in a state of spiritual anarchy offspring of recalcitrant Eve,
dipping fingers in blood sweetened honey bread, wearing the soles of
her feet on the top of her head.

Pax Aeternus

Unfortunately judicial nihilism perpetrates violent crimes against those who nurture freedom.

Unfortunately judicial nihilism is the offspring of democratic as well as totalitarian states.

Unfortunately judicial nihilism is a product of spiritual anarchy.

Unfortunately the difference between judicial nihilism and properly adjudicated criminal breaches of law is power in the hands of spiritual anarchists.

Fortunately those who nurture spiritual freedom as the only genuine saliency for liberation from the bondage of materialism rise above judicial nihilism.

There is no accommodation for cowardice in the realm of spiritual freedom, only prevaricators who perform illusive tricks to deceive the proletariat into thinking so.

Fortunately those who give their lives to spiritual freedom live free of vanity as their purpose is charity, love sanctified in commitment to spiritual honesty, a soul set free even in the midst of torture.

Fortunately love is greater than judicial nihilism even as peace is greater than violence.

Fish Story

A lawyer in an aristocratic urban environment, a city renowned for political posturing, provides his son with endowment. The son true to his genetic inheritance learns to delude for status.

A lawyer in a middle class bedroom community, a town known for nothing, does the same. The son true to his genetic inheritance learns to wiggle.

Flim flam man on the way to another legalized scam, judge in the pocket on the right, attorney general in the pocket on the left, bankers lined up in the middle, all ready to play ball.

What was it the Lord said about lawyers preventing knowledge on behalf of those seeking truth, fashioning obstacles they are unwilling to resolve for persons they exploit for gain.

Not what is a lie but compliance with cowardice . . . a box of condoms already used!
To defuse truth is the same as throwing the bat at the umpire or is it the catcher, or both.

Exactly what is judicial propriety? Who is the final adjudicator of law when the claimant can’t afford a lawyer or none step up to the plate to swing the bat, the judge cowing to a skate.

LAW, the refusal to cooperate with the creator’s game plan, widespread oppositional defiance, power in the hands of the malingerer!

Now that judge on the bench likely has intestinal disorders: a precursor to doomsday when the gavel is exchanged for a wrench.

Hurry waiter, another glass of wine before I remember what it was I could have done!!
Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Georgetown, got to keep those pills down.

Win a lot, lose a few, keeps the wife in . . . a smack.

“Yes, something strong, she doesn’t exercise, it’s an important party, need to raise 20 million, up for re-election . . . God, be glad when I retire, then I can breathe free of whale blubber in formaldehyde.”

Today is they day I swallowed a tire iron which fortunately came out a wheel. or I would never have been able to pay for my wife’s dermatological peel.

My mind is just not the same as it used to be, I should have already finished this poem by now!

Whew, it would have been so much easier to have been born a Jew, at least in this town, instead of a Jersey side frown.

I left out the University of Chicago . . . man on first, second, third, a chance for a home run over the fence, or we are all hopeless sons of a bitch! Solomon is right, “Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them . . . or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.”

Courage is a distant cut to profit! Oh, the self indulgent say differently, while swallowing the bone that held the shank that connected the tissue of the plank to the shaft of the thigh bone under the rib of the breast near the stomach.

My, my, aren’t we waggish with words!

Is a man responsible for his neighbor’s wrath when words spoken about him expose his graft?

A clear quartz crystal held in a right hand, a sodalite stone in the left, over the right shoulder whirls three grains of salt, a persimmon peel, followed by an Oregon grape reeled to the left. Can anyone solve the riddle?

Answer: An athlete seeking fame is equivalent to a gourmet diner on a fast, both are thirsty for piquancy.

Back to the ball game: two strikes, two balls, bases loaded, Casey at the plate, a 19 year old part time non-postal service contract driver for the U.S.P.O., filling in for Rude who broke his big toe sliding in to home plate last game. Third ball curves slightly to the right crossing center plate head on smacked with a diamond slug hard as gold bullion, sailing mid air to right field just high enough to flinch the right fielder's index finger, slips over heaven’s net, a warm fruit tart swiped with butter on the plate ready to serve. The kids screech bullet like twisting rockets flipping forwards tumbling fast into home base with scratched dusty heels. Games over 7 to 6 Casey champion of the play, praised with winks for the rest of the day.

This may not be poetry, but it sure is fun waffling words fleeing puns: but then again it could be, depends on what you’re fishing for.

Blah Ha! Blah!

You are too serious they say those who muck themselves under the ledge of words written by hollow minds drunk from brains braying anyone anywhere anytime: pagan gamblers leaching last drops they could only wish they can never speak . . .

slurping spider veins on thighs, around the eyes, on the nose; a dose of Grande Marnier on the clothes

bottomless top miter boxes cut with jagged saws leaving scars . . . children left alone with scones rich with blueberry curd sugar rattling rings worms! Spirituality proctored after a glass of me drunk from a hole chaired by president of same old 6 and 7

Blah Ha! Blah!

amoral, anal, anchor, atrophy, assiduous, assimilate, auspice, amorphous, amulet, anthropomorphic, abet, verbiage vowels confusing foxgloves with stimulant . . . ha hum another glass of we into the free hours of dawn discussing

sine qua non, sanctuaries, Dragonstones!

endless lamenting for another verbal orgasm spent moans lasting longer than the last, upside cross ways into a pit covered with a shovel of red clay, monastic brother passed away,

freedom catchwords bobbing up/down in raw slurs by those earning half a mil to a bil, the rest catching bones thrown wearing silk covering sinister slank half-way up around the ankh.

Blah Ha! Blah!

On The Day O Kathleen Greene's Wedding

From times long ago we are remembering
gifts far too precious to score

Bass and treble resonate melodies emulate
voices modulate libretto stimulates

All in harmony: rapport

Times present resound
moments full of light

A vow given; a sacred journey begun
Together all is lost or won.

March 24, 1990


Sound privileges us to know the day
We walk in promises of more to come
Getting the love we want as our mark

Darkness breathes upon the threshold
of searching, answering no question,
fathering a child of learning,

Moments linger, light fills our soul,
the inner progeny discovers its own matrix,
source of wisdom that unlocks obedience

Time heals as we return to to the soil of
forgotten memories, a bascule is built,
a sanctuary fashioned, a thought consoled,

In the distance free of separation, spirals
of gold merging from layer to layer, God
appears as the mysteries unfold.


Mother quelled the turbulence of childhood with her
inimitable way of grabbing me and hugging me so that
any concern for anything instantly vanished in the shower
of her affection. Even illness at times appeared favorable
in the shadow of her smile. Later in life, entering a period
of heavily scrutinizing behavior, recollecting impressions of
years of solitude we spent together . . . sitting on the porch
rocking, feeling the wind as it caressed memories of something
beyond the sadness of knowing that spring would probably come
late that season. We were friends, companions, lovers, all the things
that mothers are to little boys stretching into the mystery, imagination
of living for the days ahead, a time of repaying these moments: precious,
often painful, unforgettably real.

Great Phoenix

Great Phoenix, mythological friend
pass me the keys
that can set my soul free
free to be - to see - to soar
beyond the length of my limitations
to dive to the depths of my

Cup of Life

Remembering pearls given in times spent
humble in posture less words speak lies,
shall I ever know how or why:

knowing a depth of feeling, fill the cup with life.
Attention, free in form, posturing a confluence of mind,
chaste the sound and clear the light.

Sophomoric Interlude

Sophomoric interlude softening drums of passion . . . a moment of laughter,
not knowing the knowing dressed in intoxication, fornication, proliferation,
ideas married to a formless pursuit of freedom, spilling over energy stimulating
beats of repulsion . . . motionless . . . traversing a great dynamic of time, space!

Easter 1990

Symbols of life emerge from beneath a begotten dream:
A stone, a cross, a cloth.

Time spent:
years, decades and centuries, tokens of dream remembered.

Time replays another scene: symbols different, dreams present,
each is given travels of their own.

Dreams shorn for fulfillment: a part is played, discipline exacted,
many, many hearts unfold.

To these passion is purpose and soul is shorn for soul.


I. A winter park rests at the foot of a languishing drive on Comstock west slightly oblique Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles,

a tiered green oval plateau crests the hill, herbaceous perennial ornithogalum photosynthetic imminence occupies visual right,

accentuated nasturtium chevrons remnants of by gone eras of unsheathed romantic interludes bate the culinary palate,

memories of comfiture glossed pearl frosting layer upon layer of if only now digestion would allow gustatory indulgence,

an old wrought iron fence draped in vine wisteria summons late nineteenth century New England gables, Salem at rest.

II. Beyond crest slate hued asphalt towering water oaks cant canopy a modest dwelling weather hewn, summer scorch dusky,

light painting sensory stream twilight morning specks cull madness, mediocrity, meanness children plaiting colored bands,

willow strands wave sympathetic to ascending guest those departing spinal twisting glimpse unproclaimed protean filament,

south sun focused orchid green house needing repairs continues to birth albescent cattleyas spawned by amateur innocence,

rainbow rows of anenomies, sweet peas, renunculas, variegated roses, bird of paradise, gardenia, dendrobium, lack only peonies.

III. Distance across land measures millions in dollars MLS/FMLS, whilst large feet travel approximately 100 wide 435 deep

through gated arch bottom steps. Sloping lawns eclipse lost dreams, visions abreast times when sleep fathered rest,

winding myrtle, eucalyptus, azalea, Pacific dogwood, California box elder, Malosma laurina, intentionally cover grounds:

viewing easterly from indented porch attached to main house sprawling lawns costly estates collars horizon,

architectural fess rectangular ecologically premature house situates atop imaginable paleontological bank barrow.

IV. Gifted children swim between Chinese lamps, night pool bottom azure bright bordering miniature masculate guest house,

flaunting fastidious minds waiting allusively perched on topples dry kisses warm from pecan chocolate raspberry pie.

Kings, queens, hierophants, masquerade peering through balustrades little boys unaware catching raindrop salt air,

indigo sky marigold moon persuasive stars fashion innocence saltire, St. Andrew’s nebula lingering before parturition.

Wet physiques wrapped in warm terry off the tile stroll bedtime drowsy, tangled attempts at creation felicitously forgotten.

V. Dreams canter hopes ascending deeply inset mountain spires shadows becoming real Arthur, Lance, Guinevere,

Sir Kaye bearing pierced sable hart asseverates sacrificial repas, queen consort dancing sinister aloft a fusible pallet,

garden quatrefoils martial prélude libertés lifting bezant rondel tables, falcons transforming into doves,

knights brandishing bends, hands embowed, bows, boars, pavilions, canton tower, woodbine leaves withering.

King Arthur en barge speaks to Sir Bedivere, “if thou shouldst never see my face again, pray for my soul.”

VI. Awake my child another day is here free of pestilence, fear, at least in our minds less we forget swallows and swans,

perhaps he will come again ascend the climb escaping monkeys and Wyverns, Talbot on leash guarded by Seraphim.

Little boy, little one, reminiscent of the Son, awaken from your distant travels run into my arms return, return,

our friend known only by me walking below the tiered oval green plateau memories distant from another continuing

is soon to cross the bar, buried in water immersed in sand along the ridge of another land notable as Holmbly.

VII. Another morning repeats privilege allotments, childrens' lessons begins drowsy sliding back body wise.

After lunch airport wind stroking wings gliding horizontally fascinates a four year old heart preferentially:

cadence right, cadence left, runway sounds muffle ears, white Lear jet, Gulf Stream blue, waiting turns,

engine torque pinion wheels rev flight, cock pit bumping in place positioned for diagonal ascension,

shifting gravity earth’s metals traversing space counterpoise distance, little face radiating, heaven’s gate

VIII. protects children amidst inner outer virulent ecological schemes, jet dragons, wolverines peevish themes,

selective stratagems, designs perpetuating hate; chocolate smears covers tears from unconscious under gap,

woozy women, screams echoing creative ill, grit of fate, daffodils swallowed by miscreants, dwarf planets

orbiting round balls big enough for gravity to squash clearing everything out of path to exist or not to exist,

future stars germinated under gold pate. Xena, Ceres, Charon Pluto’s mate, Nix, Hydra extends mythology’s gate:

IX. opening portals beyond fiction's fastened manifestations of tomorrow's wait for rhymes' rhythms, genitals formatting

destiny number ten plenipotentiary space amidst The Door’s continuum, gathering anew forms on earth’s illustration.

Progeny’s kith excellence, profiles on bidding block, girth surpassing lank, love’s lubricant beneath the skin,

dolphins confused with seraphs expire along the silt. Itinerant reticulation of the androgyny XY, XX genotypes

arguing quandaries, gonads eclipsing golly googling history from a network of unregulated questionable gin.

X. Digressions may have place in urban poetic's unconscious currents refining unnecessary leavings, refulgent redress

from frank deposits of substance, catheters exuding Chemos or simply a Bertolt Brechtian interruption “freeze”:

verbal/action gists illuminating potentially otherwise unseen attitudes, inviolate stays infected a fortiori hubris,

laminated self esteem, concealed collection of psychological secret trails disguised by flexing views

employing haikus, monologues, piano opus, open mics, recitatives, fourth wall in absentia, burlap sound bites, etc.

XI. Tumbledown retention, short memory spans, dopamine complacency's spawn; granulo-vacuolar ear drums

flinching inner . . . middle . . . external meatus pummelings, plastic words rear ending hardheadedness filching

power's strength, another cup for runs trading gamboling days for gamma rays slithering along the ouch!

Whereas we are told money breeds great goals funking the hirelings for stay bottoms turn over whichever way

while expletives reverberate, floors undulate performance gone awry, got to go, got to go, before wand wanes wan.

XII. Competition freedom's whore traveling 52,000 miles per hour arriving in Pluto's orbit three billion miles from

earth in the year 20015, unconscious sexual predatory flank catapulting libido's mass instinct towards the wall,

penetrating mind's fantasy, pineal's fervid fecundity, new horizon's ticker tot burping plutonium electric generator,

beyond cornish choughs, portcullis, alisaunder, labarum's mighty woes, linden branches dipping to wren's mole,

the world extending pituitary influence into hybrid regions unknown, fiction's scions dripping through the aperture.

XIII. Power's clasp weakens mortal security, Timeaus's polemical Deucalion/ Pyrrha disintegrates Themis's oracle,

molecular structure deified ordered universe collides, Platonist justify dramatic reversal cum Aristotle's chide.

Mythology's ancestral legends premeditates history's insatiable search for destiny's door: Judas Maccabbe mars

Antiochus, cleansing the Temple floor 164 BC from Zeus's statue in the Holy of Holies, swine on the altar mold,

Temple destroyed 70 AD, Hadrian built a Roman Temple Jupiter 135 succeeding, Constantine razes Roman pride.

XIV. 1874 seasons retire equinoctial solstice gans, Moorish castle replaces feral land, tile masques mistaken mosques,

Chateâu de Chenonceau yen, "The Manor," American almond idol nouveau blazon coupeaux decrescent changé

times integrating other seals, compelling constancy: Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Holy Mount of eternité ecocide!

Near nineteen centuries gorged with falcon feathers, drum drops, erminois, silk roads surfaced with flag stones,

thirteen dominions disclose tolerance's alloy, patrony's munificent gloss sullies, straight/narrow tick frabjous curves!

XV. Retrograde planetary strides spiritual troika underscore, millennia system failures emphasize wings of the wind.

Teraphim perched on black lacquered elmwood altar table: Rachael's seven years of continence seminally disrespected,

wooden idols hidden under camel palanquin, Laban's lies love's reckoning despise, Leah's preemptive whoring

prolongs emotional sororicide. Jacob's lust incest contends, Eve's cicatrice positions saints for celibacy,

contemporary duration juxtaposes secular defiance against religious trust, God's word that adultery is denied,

XVI. sodomy legalized, politically correct speech replaces precision with euphemism. Lot demonstrates inadvertently

actualizations Dead Sea South, grand children from his children bear, angels reserved fail to appear, acquittal opaque

nuclear family at risk each soul's interpretation a vision quest, some elevated others slough until final sapience.

From Rabboni's lips marriage dissolves the moment of death, sexual penchant transforms, souls perplexed or sovereign:

male female enticing antions cations release, soul beyond charge confronts creation beyond lies, mockingbirds sleep.

XVII. Unclean spirits trespass physical bodies unaware under earth's power cockatrice gaze lenitive style, pesky

wobbling disguises glamour's maze leaching innocence's birthright, inflammatory parapets whisky truth's truss

misfitting round trips back to nowhere: beyond arrogance's hold transparency's feeble surfeit souls accessible by

transparency's lure unmasks charlatans' zazzu, wandering Jew, guiding recondite wights through wasteland's trials;

marble language crumbles as opprobrious stone, logos spiritually honed propitiates abiding light, God is love's recompense.

XVIII. Shadow psychology's contemporary schools wedge personalities between negative countenance, personal esteem,

all the way to the corporate ID, tracking matrices designing existential fantasies, accruing subliminal success,

mitigating spiritual responsibilities. God recounts third, fourth generation parental seditions visits children's souls,

begetting myriad disharmonies: physical, emotional, spiritual, developmental lays, judicial quailings, ministerial dissents,

for doctor's degrees, licenses, salary increments, call tricks, stock margins, vacation stiles on barrier reefs.

XIX. Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth, Kodoish, Kodoish,
Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth,

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth, Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth,

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth, Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth,
Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth, Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth,

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth, Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth.

XX. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts,

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord
God of Hosts,

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord
God of Hosts,

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord
God of Hosts,

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord
God of Hosts.

XXI. Violet streaks slant eastward impetuous markings, silent still imprints
command sky's voice, silent portents,

libidinous introductions seduce love confiding velvet assignations, commercial troys deliver delicious ploys,

boys seek sharper images askance movie trails, sports' bars, hi-tech, honor's trump slides out of bounds,

blasting music incorporates parks, donut dawns after hours playing downtown, whores dressed in Armani, Brioni, Kiton,

glass crowns' shattering along Hollywood's vine, toasts poured from crystal
decanters, Lafite Rothchild, 1955.

XXII. God is a respecter of no person nor does he negotiate, wage conflict, tell lies, rather those who do afterlife

will discover their offense when they are free of political, religious, temporal fen subjecting mankind to perdition.

A rich man inheriting eternal life is more difficult than a camel passing through a needle's eye, told by God's son,

even as priests justify sin with golden scepters, canonical shim, none return from death resurgence to confirm.

Little ones possess the heart to love their friends. Emotional shafts block mankind's passage from earth to the holy light!

XXIII. Isaiah the prophet speaks: But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of way;

the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, and they are
swallowed up of wine,

they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment. For all tables are

full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean. Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall

he make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

XXIV. Be here now sinks inceptive logos under contemporary piles, creative imagination Holy Writ's colander,

holy water defiled, magicians, wizards, enchanters, fault Saturnalia's revelry, servants masters pro unus dies.

"Now the last age of the Cumaean prophecy" ends: begins a new age, Virgil's child sacrificed for Rome's injustice:

Oh man of inexorable destiny "no god honours at your banquets, no goddess in her bed," even Pan flaunts victory,

"the strong ploughman too will free his oxen from the yoke: scarlet will clothe the browsing lambs of its own accord."

XXV. What is it that takes the child from the man back through again, Calliope's absence in the sibyl's decant,

innocence seduced by Endymion's Cynthia, Peona's felicity: sobriety's power "beyond their measure of content."

Philosophy's wind shear: immortal maced mortality windsors mortal immortality, pernicious backward lunge

from grail to the ground, butterflies' fetterlock raguly barry wavy, unicorns searching for walnut leaves,

communications retrograde, opportunities looking askance, gold troy sprinkled bee pollen, à la carte, first course.

XXVI. On the swing again, moving longitudinally along a vertical path, 41° 14' 24" North / 81° 26' 26" West,

can't guess my name unless you've been around the block, red rover, red rover send money right over,
employments over,

vitiated on bowling lawn, "in comes the doctor, in comes the nurse, in comes the lady with the
alligator purse."

Owls aren't really that wise just take their time blurbing, Chancey Gardener mystique, sitting on a peeping ledge,

caught down under looking up over the moon, winking at little boys who follow the kite's string all the way to Gastonbury.

XXVII. Diamonds, gold, encircle organs of touch interweaving patterns of superiority across bands of fragile suppositions,

forfeiture reigns immortal vane towards discipline's distribution, the Masters designation, "he that hath ears to hear,

let him hear," "if any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethern,

and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot" ascend. "And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded,

and yet there is room. And the Lord said, "Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come, that my house may be filled."


You cannot be my friend as you have no money
you can only be an anomy: friends descend
after a glass of gin, a bottle of wine, a beer,
or sexual leer.

You cannot be my friend as your clothes are
off the rack, synthetic, sparse, bought on sale at
Macy's: my clothes are 100% wool, cotton,
silk et cashmere.

You cannot be my friend as you have no gold,
diamonds, emeralds, rubies or sapphires: can’t
invite you to the symphony, Christmas party, or
High Tea!

You cannot be my friend, as you have no social
plank, 401 K, certificates of deposit, or family:
you can’t afford to treat me to lunch after a
shopping spree.

You cannot be my friend, as your heart is too
open, wearing your sleeves on your emotions:
your honesty takes away all the sadistic ploys
for idolizing.

You cannot be my friend, as your love is free
detrimental to the economy: you don’t know
how to sell yourself to the highest bidder, or
defraud employees.

You cannot be my friend, as your diet is too
healthy: doctors don’t like you because you
never need their advice; you don’t have a self-
indulgent vice.

You cannot be my friend, as you never get drunk,
shoot guns, or listen to punk: your spiritual fullness
frightens me, you prefer to meditate than eat cake or
drink coffee.

You cannot be my friend, as you never win, game,
or gamble a fin; toss back a shot of Remy Martin:
you don’t eat pork, garlic or onions, bet on horses
or sink a putt.

You cannot be my friend, as your loyalty is to a higher
dominion: you treat all alike, rich man, poor man, pray
for the rake, bite your tongue so you won’t kick the liar,
coward species.

You cannot be my friend, as your body is too trim, you
fast on seeds and spiritual acumen: you are not wanted,
you smell like apples, don’t need deodorant, smoke pot,
or snort opium.

You cannot be my friend, as your yes is a yeah and your
no means nay, you would rather take a trip than watch the
ballgame, you flinch when an individual turns their head at
judicial injustice.

You cannot be my friend, as you do not venerate power or
money: you don’t lie to the public about the bottom line,
keep mercenaries on a tight lease, use loop holes to cover
your swindling.

You cannot be my friend, as you are too straight, don’t go
to after hours stakes, rent a 900 call trick: for you molestation
is never ok, no matter how high the pay, especially children
whomever’s family?

You cannot be my friend, as you are too white, don’t use voo
doo, witch craft or black magic: you send it all back to the
sender, address unknown, wasted your time, as you
prefer to be color blind.

You cannot be my friend, as you don’t lick boots, wear fish
net stockings or frequent bars: your name is always the same,
no need to play a game, pay a cover charge or wait in line,
always home by bed time.

You cannot be my friend because you are not a red neck, don't
live in a trailer or drive an old wreck: your house is always
clean, free of crayon marks on the front door screen, no beer
bottles laying on the deck.

You cannot be my friend, as you have too much gratitude for
disappointment and woes, troubles that kill an average bloke:
somehow you manage to find value in the hardest aspects, free
of usual entitlement!

You cannot be my friend, as this poem is too corny, sentimental:
always got to be on display, to keep the crowd from turning away,
never admit your fatal flaw, keep the bad DNA hidden, disguised,
preset to party times.

You cannot be my friend as my wife is a witch, sold her soul imitating
a bitch, her idea of success is making As in the Ivy League. Her
parents donated two million to the Parent's Annual Fund each
year posthumously.

You cannot be my friend as my husband is a judge, I make sure he
wins drinking a lot of gin: it's ok if he throws a trial to the sprite
paying with cash or a hotel splash in a Nashville after dinner bash
with the mechanical device.

You cannot be my friend as my lover is a famous poet, teaches
English as a sport, owns a Rolls, flies a plane, is a SOB when it
comes to fame. His work really sucks, no one has the balls to
tell him, he's so mean!

You cannot be my friend, I don't like any one telling me what to
do. Oh, I pretend you're my best friend to get the mortgage in,
when actually as soon as you leave my passive aggression seethes.
Power is my confidant!


Forget God as Index, flagging violate
estrous zones prostrate to woods colts,
zygotes from lurid lunges rubato

minus spiritual lithium, below zero to
torridity, impromptu forfeiture of
potential homeostatic symmetry.

Beyond stone gates stoning, "thou mayest
bring the hire of a whore, or the price of
a dog into the house of thy" god.

In thy spiritual license thou mayest inherit
children that pass through the fire, cut off
from God's sanctuary for 10 generations!

A woman may maintain an unholy room in
her womb, frequented by divers members
within her community,

a sodomite mayest enjoy the law, as in former
times, albeit their progeny, climatically succumbs
to God as power.